Day in the Life

Jul 10, 1894

Journal Entry

July 10, 1894 ~ Tuesday

10 Keys crossed Myself & councillors Accompanied the old Folks on
their Excursion to Saltair we had a vary interesting
Day. They spent the day under the pavilion whare it
was cool & comfortable we returned to the city at
4:20. 30 Mils All the Presidency spoke there were
four of Zions Camp present W Woodruff J B Nobles
S Foster & [blank] Brown. Utah Bill passed the Senate for statehood


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Noble, Joseph Bates
14 Jan 1810 - 17 Aug 1900
Foster, Solon
8 Jan 1811 - 17 Mar 1896


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Letter from John C. Sharp, 10 July 1894
President Wilford Woodruff [President] Geo. Q. Cannon [President] Jos. F. Smith This will introduce to you Bro. Heber Anderson of Vernon, who has been called on a Mission, I have handed him his recomend, impossibel to get signature of the Pres. of the Stake. I am satisfied he would sign the same at once if he had the opportunity, he will explain. Respectfully Your Bro John C. Sharp Bishop
Letter from John H. Seymour, 10 July 1894
Kamas, Utah . President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother In reply to your letter of June 19th in as mutch as my name has been accepted as a Missionary to the Southern States i feel it my duty to respond to the call and will be ready at the appointed time your brother in the gosple John H Seymour S. F. Atwood Bishop Kamas Ward All right. J. F. S.
Discourse 1894-07-10
President Woodruff said sixty years ago this season he traveled with the Prophet Joseph a thousand miles in Zion's camp. There were three of that camp here today. Forty-seven years ago he entered this valley with the Prophet Brigham. He did not then expect to see such a place as this built by the Latter-day Saints. He blessed the people and expressed the hope that they might have the privi- lege of associating together on the other side of the veil, when they were called hence.


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Jul 10, 1894