Day in the Life

Aug 5, 1894

Journal Entry

August 05, 1894 ~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day in camp

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Letter from Joseph Moroni Westwood, 5 August 1894
To Wilford Woodruff & the First Presidency of the Church J. C. of L. D. S Salt Lake City Dear Brothers There is to be a gathering of all these men who took part in the Indian wars of centeral Utah on the 22nd & 23rd of August 1894 at Provo, utah Co I take great pleasure in Inviting you to the present on one or both Days, the exercises will begins at 11 o'clock AM August 22nd, It is expected that a Society will be formed of those who took part in what are Known as the Black-hawk, Walker, Tintic, Provo, & Pleasant Grove wars and will be purely for Soceal purposses I remain your well wisher and Brother in the Gospel Joseph M Westwood Chairman of comute Please Answer
Letter from John A. Johnson, 5 August 1894
Sandy President Wilford Woodruf Dear brother: I have receved a letter stating that I am suggested and accepted as a m[is]sionary to Scandinavia. I should be pleased to respons to the call and go on the date stadted, but my economecall cercumstanses is so that I can not see any posseble way for me to go at present I moved here to Sandy one year ago and I bought a lott and built a house I am in som debt on my plasce I gat wife and
Letter from John Henry Frei, 5 August 1894
Payson, . To the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints! Dear Brethren! Inasmuch as you have required of me to let you know, how my feelings were onto perform a mission to Europe, I will endeaver to do so. I must say that I feel like a very weak instrument in performing such a mission, but I have always made it a point to perform every- thing, which I have been called upon to do, if it laid in my power and with the assistance of the Lord. My heart and desire is with the work of God and his people:


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Aug 5, 1894