Day in the Life

Aug 6, 1894

Journal Entry

August 06, 1894 ~ Monday

6 I returned home to day & went to the office & spent
the day in business 20 Miles


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Letter from Andrew Christian Larsen Fjeldsted, 6 August 1894
Gunnison Utah Presedent, Wilord Woodruff, President Office Salt Lake City Dear Brother I have duly reseived your letter of July 31 ult. calling Me as a Missionary to Scandinavia to leave October 13, 1894 and will say that I feel honord for reseiving the call and feel willing to go but at present, and in that time I hardly feel like I could get ready I have got to enlarge my House and make my Family little better situated before I leave and a few depts and money matters to arange and I have quite a large Farm and small Boys to take care of it so I will have to rent it and also to take care of the present crop and convey it into the needfull meens to go on my Mission. Now Dear Brethren, if you will honorably release me till the Spring of 1895, with the help of the Lord I shall try to be ready and on hand to fill my call verry respectfully your Brother Andrew C. Fjeldsted President Woodruff Dear Brother. The above statement of Elder Fjeldsted's conditions, I feel to endorce, as his boys are small and he is quite an extensive farmer. Very respectfully your brother Christian A. Madsen Bp All right, say Apr. 1895. And so notify him. J. F. S.
Letter from Johann Gilgen, 6 August 1894
Logan, Utah, To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dear Brethren: Your letter of the 27th July at hand and I am thank- full for this call on a mission to proclaim the everlasting gospel. You wish me to state the circumstances in which I am and how soon I could perform a mission. I am sorry to say that at present I am in debt for my lot to some little extend, but with help of the Allmighty I shall be able to pay off this and with aid of the bishop and Ward I shall try to be at hand in the fall if 1895. I never have been on a mission before, if the Lord sees me fit to labor in his interest, I am perfectly willing to do so. Thrusting the Lord will provide me with health and labor ^to^ provide for my family and be in a fit condition I pray earnestly for the blessings of heaven to rest up on me and the brethren & sisters in this ward and throughout the country. Awaiting your further orders I remain your brother in the gospel John Gilgen. William Hyde Bishop Let us record him for the fall, say Oct. 8, 1895, and so notify him. J. F. S.
Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 6 August 1894
Prest W. Woodruff Dearest Father: Your kind letters of July 16th & 20th have been received and of course as usual were highly appreciated. Was very sorry to hear you had been sick & do hope you will take good care of yourself. A few days ago I was out through the neighboring Villages & had the pleasure of preaching the Gospel to quite a number of people. I went into a rich old Farmer's House & enquired if the Land-Lord was at home. I was shown into a very fine Parlor when I was pleasantly met by an old gentleman of about 60 years. His room ^was^ very finely furnished, and elegant Piano and every thing to make up a first-class Farm-hous Parlor. Some two months ago while passing I had given him a "Tract", so on my entering the room I asked him if he had read it. He said he had not & did not know what it contained. I wanted to get at my point as soon as was possible so asked him if he had ever heard of the "Mormon's" O yes! he replied I have read a great deal of the "Mormon's." By the time I had layed my cane & hat on a small centre-table and took a half siting position on the same & endeavored to be quite at home. As soon as he knew I was a real, live Mormon and had no horns and in general appearance did not differ greatly from many other humanbeings; he was very much interested and wanted to hear more & I wanted to tell him more to; for I had a long Am Glad you heard from David. Give him & Family my best love.


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Aug 6, 1894