Day in the Life

Aug 8, 1894

Journal Entry

August 08, 1894 ~ Wednesday

8 I met with Col Isaac Trumbo for 2 Hours He
give me an account of the Great Labor He and Gen.
Clarkson had in getting the Utah Bill Through Congress
& to get it signed by the President {It cost the Republicans three hundred and thirty
thousand dollars to get that bill passed} It has Been
a great Labor to get Utah admitted into the
Union. We commenced to Organize the Utah company
to day I am worked altogether to hard I dont sleep
Nights and am weary by day As Trustee in trust
and the Presidency of the Church we have taken
such a load upon us it is Difficult to carry it


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Letter from Moses Edwards, 8 August 1894
Beaver City Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I have just received my Appointment from you my name was suggested some Fifteen months ago by the seventy quorum I was owing at that time about $36.000 hundred Dollars and have been trying to get it paid of[f] ever since and have went in no father and still am in debt some $190.00 Dollars in am in the sheep Busness and have property with asking One year longer time which i can clear my seflf with and be free to start if i can get ready any sooner i will let you know if i should go in debt it be a great worry on my mind and wou^l^d have to sell my property at a great sacrafice to clear me but if it is required of me i will sell it and be ready to start in October your Brother in the Gospel Moses Edwards George Munford Bishop of Beaver Ward All right. Let him have a year, or if he gets ready sooner, he can report. So notify him. J. F. S.


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Aug 8, 1894