Day in the Life

Aug 13, 1894

Journal Entry

August 13, 1894 ~ Monday

13. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received A Letter from Owen to Blanch
a good Letter Asahels youngest child Asahel
has been vary sick is some better this Morning


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Asahel Hart (Jr.)
13 Feb 1893 - 11 May 1967
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
281 mentions

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Letter from J. Williams, 13 August 1894

chicago To the mormons in whole and priest in generol! in the nome of god I do addres this letter to all the mormons who are wiling to asist me in the comond of Crist. I am a Hebrew or Jew by fait I was well educated in the Hebrew fait and studed the bible or the Old testement carefully, but I never had the uportunity to study the New tostemant "or the teaching of Crist" and tereofore my knowelege of cristianity were vere limited, but recogzing this fact I comensed to study the c

Letter from James Thomas, 13 August 1894

Stockton, Cal., President W. Woodruff C. J. C. L. D. S. Hon. Sir, I have this p. m. received a telegram from one of our Chiefs, who states that William Booth General of the Salvation Army, is about to visit America and will (D. V.) be in Salt Lake City on the Thirteenth of December 1894. And I as the district officer of our work which takes in Utah, would ^be^ pleased to have the well Known Leader of our movement hold his meeting in your beautiful Tabernacle for ^on^ that occasion, and I am positive the General would appreciate the same. I understand that one of our officials had the place once. And it means for Salt Lake City a host of strangers, who will grasp the oppertunity of seeing General W. Booth over

Letter from Anders Leonard Andersson Ranstrom, 13 August 1894

President W. Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother: In answer to yours of July 31st in regard to a mission will say: I will try to be in readiness at the time named in your letter: Oct 13th 1894. Yours in the Gospel A. L. Ramstrom O.K. J. F S.

Letter from Thomas Heddock Hilton, 13 August 1894

To The First Presidency Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brethern: The steamship "Monowai" arrived here in due time. Was somewhat disappointed at not receiving a letter from you. We are all enjoying good health, and an excellent spirit prevails among us. The "three powers" have at last turned their attention to the civil war, and two warships are now activly engaged in bringing about a better state of affairs; they bombarded the fort of the rebels on the morning of Saturday the 11th inst. but fortunately no lives were lost, the natives having learned of their intentions evacuated their stronghold the night previous I can distinctly hear the roaring of cannons as I write and I fear they have ascertained their whereabouts and are firing in upon them. It is high time however, that some step was taken among this people to check them in their perversity as they are beginning to think that they can do just as they please with the for^e^igners and nothing will be done to protect them; about five weeks ago they shot our cart horse, and seeing I could get no justice from the government they took advantage of the


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Aug 13, 1894