Day in the Life

Aug 20, 1894

Journal Entry

August 20, 1894 ~ Monday

20. This is the pioneer Day we go to the Saltair
to have a celebration of the Pioneer day
we went to Saltair at 2:25 we met about 20 of the
remnant of the pioneers they were aged feeble men
I think I was the oldest man of the pioneers present
all were introduced to the Assembly of some 4000 persons
speeches were made by quite a Number of the Pioneers
Bishop Weiler & Lorenzo Young were among the
number both vary feeble we returned home at
6:30. It was a vary interesting day 30 Miles


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Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions


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Letter from George Dixon Snell, Jr., 20 August 1894
Prest. Woodruff. Dear Bro, Since my return from a two years mission to Great Britain which was last May 1st I have been considering the pro- priety of going East to College to take a four years course in law, but before doing so felt that I would like to ask your counsel and advice on the matter. Hoping to have an early reply and trusting you are enjoying good health. I Remain Your Bro. G. D. Snell Jr.
Letter from Franklin Dewey Richardson, 20 August 1894
Plain City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 18 inst has just came to hand in reply I will say I am ready to go when and whare I am called trusting in the Lord to help me to fill an honorable mission with kind regards I remain your Brother in the gospel F. D Richardson I have questioned Brother Richardson in regard to his financial condition, and find he can arrange his affairs so that his family will not be distressed during his absence. I believe he will be an energetic laborer in the ministry. G W Bramwell Jr Bp Plain City. Ward [sideways text] This has the good ring. J. F. S. [end of sideways text]
Letter from Levi A. Phillips, 20 August 1894
Lehi President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In asking this favor I do not want to appear to want to shirk my duty in going on my mission to the Southern States foor I think it is my duty but if it would not be asking to much to let me remain at


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Aug 20, 1894