Day in the Life

Aug 21, 1894

Journal Entry

August 21, 1894 ~ Tuesday

21 I Paid a Debt of $3000 to Gen Clarkson
for Expenses while laboring in the cause of Utah


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Clarkson, James Sullivan
17 May 1842 - 30 May 1918


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Letter from Hannah Sorensen, 21 August 1894
Payson, , To the First Presidency of the Church My dear Brethren. I have long felt a deep desire to address a few words to you—as the leaders of our people—concerning a subject which I feel is of vital importance to the true progress of our people in general. Why I am so bold to approach you in this manner—while only a humble woman, is born of the experience I have gained in mingling with the people in general, and my work among them during the last four years have been of such a nature, as to force me to be uncommonly well acquainted with their true condition in general. The subject I intend to allude to, is of a physical nature, but, as I am one who believe, that, if spiritual advancement shall be satisfactory, it must be based on physical perfection I am especially anxious that my humble remarks should be given consideration. To come to my subject, will say, that it
Letter from Henry S. Tanner, 21 August 1894
San Francisco. . First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D. Saints. Dear Brethren: I take another opportunity of writing to you. Brother Williams and myself will not be able to do much until we get help. We want two Elders here as soon as they can conveniently come. You are acquainted with the brazenness of this field of labor and the nature of our work and the kind of men we need—that is, men of patience, stability, and experience. Our prospects at the present are not by any means flattering, and the only way ^we^ will be able meet with success, is to put on a force that will be able to dig deep and pick out the few precious stones that have sunk in the rubbish. We are desirous of using every legitimate
Letter from Orson Smith, 21 August 1894
Prest Wilford Woodruff and Coun. Dear Brethern The High Council of this stake will meet and take up the case of Martin Woolf verses Bp G. O. Pitkin on august 31st at 730 p.m. As you requested, I send you the date of meeting. We shall be pleased to recieve any aid or sugges- tions you may wish to offer. With Kind regards Your Brother Orson Smith


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Aug 21, 1894