Day in the Life

Aug 31, 1894

Journal Entry

August 31, 1894 ~ Friday

31. This is the Last day of summer I spent the day
in the office I had a Meeting with the [Utah company]]
I signed for 6 volums of the National CEyclopedia
of the America Biography


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Letter from David Clark Hubbard, 31 August 1894

Willard, . Pres. Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: I have been called to fill a mission to the Southern States to start on the 13th of Oct. I thought if you fully understood my situation you would be willing to extend the time of starting until early in Nov. My wife is expecting to be confined about the 18 of October and of course I prefer not to start until I know she is all right; then, my father is very aged and is not able to attend to business matters our stock will be home about the 10th of Oct. and before I go I intend to dispose of some of them and get matters in as good a con- dition as possible before my departure. Hoping if you deem the above sufficient you will extend the time I remain Yours Very Resp. D. C. Hubbard all right. give the time asked. J. F. S.

Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 31 August 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Elder John D. T. McAllister, President Manti Temple. Dear Brother: The question was considered by us yesterday, which you submitted to us when in the City last, involving the moving of your family from St. George, and in reply we desire to say, that so far as we know now your services will be needed in the Manti Temple after Brother Lund's return home, and you will be at lib- erty to govern your family affairs accordingly. Your Brethren, W. Woodruff Jos. F. Smith [sideways text] Recd at St George. Answd Manti Temple 19th Sept 1894. [end of sideways text]

Letter from John Franklin Allred, 31 August 1894

Spring City, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Brother James Hardy of Moroni will be ready Monday next to go to Provo to take the Normal Course for the Association Yours respectfully J. F. Allred. All right. J. F. S. Keep this with the others of this class. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sundries $25 {shorthand} $20. shoes $2.50 47 50

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

from Valley H $60 {shorthand} T $50 Cash $5 115


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Aug 31, 1894