Day in the Life

Sep 4, 1894

Journal Entry

September 04, 1894 ~ Tuesday

4. I spent the day at the office J F Smith was
with me we herd the corresponding Letter read


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions


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Letter from Charles Henry Gibson, 4 September 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother I execpt the call as a missionary to the Southern States and with the blessings of the Lord will be ready to start at the appointed time January 5 1895 I remain your brother C. H. Gibson Bro. Gibson is a young man that I can fully recommend as a missionary John C Dalton Bishop All right J F. S.

Letter from Curtis B. Smith, 4 September 1894

Manassa Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of appointment (Dated Aug 17) to a mission to the Southern States to start Dec 8th 1894. I accept the call with pleasure and hope the way will open up that I can be on hand to go at the appointed time the only obsticle being want of money to pay my way to the field of labor which at present I have not got nor is my father for the first time in my memory) in circumstances to suply this want Your Brother in the Gospel Curtis. B. Smith son of S. S. Smith Bro. Curtis B. is a young man that I can and do gladly indorse as a missionary. John C Dalton Bishop I hope the way will open for him. J. F. S.

Letter from Robert Allen Smith, 4 September 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your letter of August 20th Will say that I will be in San Francisco Oct. 18th as stated in you letter if nothing more happens than I know of at present Very respt Yours Your Brother in the Gospel Robert A. Smith John Welker Bp good. J. F. S.

Letter from George Bryant Gardner, 4 September 1894

Arizona Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I wish to ask a favor from you if you can see fit to grant it. Ever since I came to Nauvoo 1845 I have been working for the benefit of my brethren I worked in Nauvoo in Bro Snows fitting out company all winter without money or price untill he crossed the river: I worked in Winter Quarters in 48 helping to fit out the 500 Waggons that went to Salt Lake I crossed the plains in your company was Captain in Bro E Whipple 50 of the first 10 done able to pay the claim on it: & if it is the mind of the Lord & his servents to give me a title to my Land I will be very thankfull. I would like when I go hense to go free from dept Pres. Smith & Hatch can tell more than I can write. I remain your Bro in the Gospel of peace G. B. Gardner

Letter from John A. Matson, 4 September 1894

Mount Pleasant, Utah, To The first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Dear Brethren: In answer to your call I will say that I will be in Provo on Monday Sept. 10, and present myself at the B. Y. Accademy to take the Y. M. M. I. A. Normal Course and are thankfull for the Prevelege. Your Brother in the Gospel Jno. A. Matson All right J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Brigham Keeler, 4 September 1894

Provo City, Utah, Pres. W. Woodruff Geo. Q Cannon Jos F Smith Salt Lake Utah. Dear Brethren – I send you herewith the name of Wm. A. Cornaby of Spanish Fork, 1st ward, who has been selected to take M. I. course in the B. Y. Academy during the present semester, by the presidency and M. I. Supt. of this stake Very respectfully, Jos B. Keeler. All right Notify him J. F S

Letter from James T. White & Company Publishers, 4 September 1894

NEW YORK. . 189[4] LITH. CHAS. HART & SONS, 36 VESEY ST. N. Y. Rev. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: Your esteemed favor, ordering the National Cyclopedia of American Biography, is just received, and also returning the type- written copy of your biography to be published in said work, with corrections, for which please accept our thanks. We will forward you the volumes out at an early date. In the meantime will you kindly send us your photograph, from which to make a portrait to accompany this biography as per the proposition of our editor. Yours very truly, James T. White & Co.

Letter from James Heber Moulton, 4 September 1894

Heber City Wilford Woodruff & Jos. F. Smith General Supts. Y.M.M.I.A. Dear Brothren, Yours of Aug. 22nd received and carefully acted upon, and the following named broethren submitted for your approval. Heber East Ward "Deveria Smith", Heber West [Ward] "Joseph A. Murdock". Midway Ward "Alma Van Wagenen" Charleston [Ward] "Joseph Parley Ed- wards" The above named Brothren are fully endorsed by their Bishops, and also by Prest. Abram Hatch, and also by myself. Your Bro- ther in the Gosple James H. Moulton. Supt. Y.M.M.I.A. Wasatch Stake. Please notify them at once. J. F. S.


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Sep 4, 1894