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Day in the Life

Sep 6, 1894

Journal Entry

September 06, 1894 ~ Thursday

6 I spent the forenoon in the office Afternoon in the
Temple with the Twelve talked about Anthony Ivins
being called to go to Mexico


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Letter from Charles Henry Skidmore, 6 September 1894
Richmond, . Pres't Woodruff Dear Brother: In reply to your's of Aug. 20th, will say that I am bound by contract to teach school for 10 months—commencing with Sept 1st; furthermore my circumstances would not admit of my departure before this time wase up. I can say that I feel it an honor to receive this call and I hope to be able to have the privelege of fulfilling the same honorably. Your Brother in the Gospel C. H. Skidmore Wm L. Skidmore Bp. All right, so note it. He can report when ready. J. F. S.
Letter from Conrad E. Miller, 6 September 1894
Salt Lake City . President Willford Woodruff Esq. Dear Brother: I received your letter, notifying me to prepair for a mission to Switzerland and Germany. In reply to the same I must say that at present I am not able to go, on account of a Mortgage which I have on my home and having been out of employment for some time. If my services are wanted I shall be pleased to respond
Letter from Mary Emma Adams Ollerton, 6 September 1894
Parowan First Presidency. Dear Brothers, We received your letter calling James Ollaston to attend the Y.M.M.I.A Normal Course in Provo. He is away and is not expectd home for tow weeks. yours Respectfuly, Mary E Olloston


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Sep 6, 1894