Day in the Life

Sep 7, 1894

Journal Entry

September 07, 1894 ~ Friday

7 I spent the day in the office


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Letter from John D. Irvine, 7 September 1894
Payson City, Utah Wilford Woodruff George Q. Cannon Joseph F. Smith Salt Lake City Dear Brethren: Your letter of the 6th inst just recieved. I am willing to take the Sunday School normal course at the B. Y. Academy if after a breief explanation you advise that I do so. On Dec 13th 1893 I recieved a letter from you calling me on a mission to Great Britian, upon the advice of Bishop Page. I wrote, explaning to you that I was mixed up in a former partnership and that it would take some ^time^ to straighten matters up. under date of Dec 23rd, you wrote me, saying, you were willing to grant me sufficient time to straighten up the business referred to, and the letter ended thus "aAnd they (the committee of apostles) will await your notice to them of your readiness
Education - Board of Education diploma for Evan Stephens, 7 September 1894
Done at Salt Lake City, Utah, this . EXAMINERS BOARD. Karl G. Maeser, DLD. Chairman. Wilford Woodruff President. Geo. Reynolds, Secretary. Jas. E. Talmage D.Sc.D., Ph.D. Lorenzo Snow. Karl G. Maeser. Willard Young. Geo. Q. Cannon James Sharp B. Cluff, Jr, M.S., B.M.D. G. W. Thatcher Willard Young Jos. F. Smith
Letter from F. P. Sweet, 7 September 1894
Richfield, Utah, Prest W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro, I wrote you from Fruita Colo. last month asking you if it was advisable for Latter Day saints to settle at that place as myself and a number of others were desirous of obtaining homes. And as that country presented more advantages than any place that I have seen in the west (with one exception) I thought I would like to settle there. That exception being that there are no mormons in the country. A great many of the people are desirous of having the mormons settle the on account of their industry and understanding the work of Irrigation. I enclose you a self addressed stamped envelope which I would be pleased to have you use and tell me whether it would be advisable for me to go there, or to encourage others as there are some that are anxious to hear about the country. Resp Your Brother F. P. Sweet


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Sep 7, 1894