Day in the Life

Sep 8, 1894

Journal Entry

September 08, 1894 ~ Saturday

8 I spent this day at home reading & writing &I wrote
a Letter to Owen


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary

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Letter from John B. Fairbanks, 8 September 1894
Payson Sept 8 1894 Presidents Woodruff Cannon & Smith Salt Lake City Dear Brethren I have a matter to present to you for your consideration. To me it is of great importance, but how it may seem to you I cannot tell. Before I went to France I promised the Lord that if he would open the way for me to go and study I would devote my time and talents in his service as an artist ^in beautifying Zion^. Since I returned I fhave been doing the best that I could in that direction. I have employed much of my time in making sketches and pictures, I have sold but few and at the rate I have been
Letter from Thomas Heddock Hilton, 8 September 1894
To The First Presidentcy Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brethren: Our mail arrived here on the 6th inst. but I was again disappointed at not receiving a letter from you. We are all well here at present and are enjoying our labors. The war has ceased for the present, and the people are once more beginning to turn their attention to other things; a great many are con- sidering our message, and a number have already expressed them selves as being desirous of joining us. I received a letter from the Friendly Islands in which was a report of five additional baptisms upon that group. This is a source of joy to us as the Elders there have had but little success having made but two converts previous to these; we hope there is a more successful future in store for them. We will look for a re-inforcement of Elders with next steamer. Hoping these few lines will find you in the enjoyment of good health I will close. With kind regards I remain your ever humble servant T. H. Hilton. Good news from Tonga. I hope he will not be disappointed next time. J. F. S


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Sep 8, 1894