Day in the Life

Sep 11, 1894

Journal Entry

September 11, 1894 ~ Tuesday

11 We met with Brother More from Logan Temple & an
interview with H. B. Clawson I spent the day in the office


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Letter from George Freestone, 11 September 1894

Vernal Pres. W. Woodruff Dear Brother your favor of sep 5 is at hand. will say that I am willing and redy to do all I can for the Kingdom of God. think I should like to go to England, so that I may gather some Genealey before I returne. I will be at youre Office at the time appointed the Lord being my helper Your Brother in the Gosple of Christ Geo Freestone All right, for Eng. J. F. S.

Letter from Jacob Edwin Teeples, 20 September 1894

Bro. Woodruff, Dear sir I recieved your letter and in reply to your call I will be on hand to fulfill the call. If the Lord will permit me to do so. I would like a little a little information in regards to what time I should be in Salt Lake. And how mutch money it will require to land me to my field of labor It will be hard to get the required amount owing to the hard times

Letter from William C. McGregor, 11 September 1894

Antonito Pres Wilford Woodruff S. L. City Dear Bro. I regret to say in reply to yours of the 17th Ult., that circumstances prevents my honoring the call made upon me at present. But if I may be allowed the privelage I will do so as soon as circumstances will permit Respcty Your Bro. Wm C. McGregor All right, let him report when ready. J. F. S.

Letter from Johannes Graf, 11 September 1894

Santa Clara . first Presidency Dear Bre- thern in answer to your last Statement I will say I feel it my duty to respond to the call kno- wing its our duty to warn the wicked in order that our shirts may be clear from the blood of this gen- eration And feering the con- cequence of disobdence I will will be on hand at your apopointed time. April 1895 Your Bro. in the gospel John Graf John G. Hafen Bp. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Daniel Duncan McArthur, 11 September 1894

St. George, Utah, Prest W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, In response to your request the following names are submitted for students for M. I. Normal Class at B. Y. Academy Albert Hedge Panaca, Lincoln Co Nev George Bunker Bunkerville [Lincoln Co Nev] Morris Hinton Virgen City Utah The Stake officers are so occupied that neither of them can very well go to Provo this semester but they will try to arrange for one of them to go next semester Your brethren in the Gospel Edward H. Snow, Stake Supt Daniel D. McArthur Presidint of Stake All right, let them be notified at once, J. F. S.

Letter from John Franklin Allred, 11 September 1894

Spring City, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Thomas A. Beal of Ephraim is ready to go to Provo to take the Y. M's. course. He will leave as soon as notified. This makes six the required number. Yours respectfully John F. Allred. All right. Please send his notice J.F.S.

Letter from Joseph Brigham Keeler, 11 September 1894

Provo City, Utah. Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Jos. F. Smith, Gen. Supt. Y. M. M. I. A. Salt Lake, Utah. Dear Brethren— Herewith are the names of two young men who have been called to take the M. I. course in the B. Y. Academy, Provo, viz. John S. Groesbeck, and Myron A. Boyer, 3rd ward, Springville. They have selected in accordance with your instructions. Your brother &c Jos. B.Keeler. Supt. M. I. A. All right. Please send them the proper notices. J. F S.

Letter from Joseph Henry Felt, Royal Barney Sagers Young, and James Walter Eardley, 11 September 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Gen'l. Supt. of Y.M.M.I.A., Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: With pleasure, we submit, for your approval, the fol- lowing named Brethren who have been suggested by their respective Bishops to take the M.I.A. course at Provo: George A. Huntington of Center Ward, and James Lee of Taylorsville, Utah. Thus far we have received no other names. The endorsement of the President of this Stake has been obtained on behlaf of these brethren, and we heartily recommend their ability and willingness to take the course referred to. We are your Brethren, Joseph H. Felt, Reoyal B. Young, James W. Feardley, Supt'cy of MY.M.M.I.A. of Salt Lake Stake of Zion. All right- Please send them their notices. J. F. S.


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Sep 11, 1894