Day in the Life

Sep 13, 1894

Journal Entry

September 13, 1894 ~ Thursday

13 We got a Lease of the Gardo House from Preston today
Keys crossed day we had published to day in the News, Herrald & Tribune
the orginization of the Utah Company with the presidency as
its Head and vary faverable remarks made by the Editors
Mr Si [blank] & wife visited us


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abt. 1850-aft. 1911
8 mentions
Native American
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908


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Letter from Moroni Lazenby, 13 September 1894
Loa . President W. Woodruff Dear Brother, I received an appointment dto day, to be prepared to leave San Franscisco on the 18 of Oct; on a mission to Australasia. I am willing to axcept the call, previded I can raise the money, which will be a hard matter, but I will do my best, and trust the rest to my heavenly father. I have no idea what it will take, so if you can make it convenient please let me know about what ^ammount^ it will take, and also what date you think I had better be in Salt Lake city as I would like to go through the temple before I go. And oflige [oblige] your Brother in the gospel, Moroni Lazenby. adress Loa Wayne co. Utah. Benjomam F Brown Bishop Loa Ward All right. Please give him the in- formation desired, about cost of Journey, & when to be here to go into The T[emple]. J. F. S.
Letter from Thales Hastings Haskell Jr., 13 September 1894
President Woodruff. Dear Brother— having received my notice to prepare for a Southern States Mission, I accept, and will at once begin to ^make^ preparations for starting. your Brother and obedient Servant in the Gospel, T. H. Haskell, Jr. P.S. please excuse delay in answering which was caused by being absent at the time of receiving your letter. I indorse the above Bro T. H. Haskell is a son of Thales Haskell and a worthy young man one whom we are proud to recommend John C. Dalton Bishop Good. J. F. S.
Letter from Henry B. Williams, 13 September 1894
President Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother; I take this opportunity to write you in regard to Bro. Henry S. Tanner's health, and what has been and is being done for him. Bro. Tanner is very ill with Tyhoid fever. It is a week and a half since he took to his bed. He has felt poorly most of the time since he came to San Francisco. He would have it that it was nothing but Malaria. Of course I with what assistance I could


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Sep 13, 1894