Day in the Life

Sep 14, 1894

Journal Entry

September 14, 1894 ~ Friday

Sept 14, 1894
I spent the forenoon in the office Afternoon in the Temple
with the Apostles I spoke to them concerning the organ-
ization of the Utah Company


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Letter from Arnold H. Schulthess, Henry Reiser, and Herman Grether, 14 September 1894
Salt Lake City President Willford Woodruff [President] Geo. Q. Cannon [President] Jos. F. Smith First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Dear Brethren: In behalfe of our German Saints in the different parts of Zion, we again ask you to kindly grant us the privilege of holding a German Meeting during our next General Con- ference. The German Saints feel


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Sep 14, 1894