Day in the Life

Dec 3, 1894

Journal Entry

December 03, 1894 ~ Monday

3 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 Letters from Owen to Father ^&^ Mother &
Blanche I mailed a Letter to Owen from Father Mother
& Blanche I distributed 10 coal to my family to day


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
635 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1031 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
281 mentions

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Letter from Thomas Josiah Tingey, 3 December 1894

Woodruff First presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints Dear Bretherren In answer to yours of the 30th inst. will say that I shall be pleased to accept your call and Shall endeavor to be at Provo at the date stated, and with the help of God shall try to prepare myself for the labor that is before me. Your Brother in the Gospel. Thomas J. Tingey

Letter from G.W. Ingram, 3 December 1894

Brigham City . First Presidency, Dear Sirs: I could not conveniently accept your offer to take the S. S. Course at Provo. I depend on school teaching for a living and have not taught for a year past and am not teaching now, and as to borrowing money to defray my expenses while taking is something I would not do. I would like very much to take the course if I were able to pay all expenses without borrowing money. Resp. G. W. Ingram.

Letter from Charles H. Wirth, 3 December 1894

Murray. Utah. . Mr. Wilford Woodruff, Pres. Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Salt Lake City. Utah. Dear Sir: Recognizing that the Gos- pel was restored to the Earth through Joseph Smith, and that through him also Christ's Church was organized, does that exclude every person, not be- longing to that Church, from the ben- efits, blessings, and direct influence of God, and the h^H^oly Spirit? And prior to the time of establishing that church, could any one have communion with God or the Holy Spirit? Can people who pray to God and sincerely believe that their prayers will be answered. – can such people, not Latter Day Saints, expect a blessing, or any answer to their prayers? Can they ex- pect the manifestation of God's power in any miraculous way? Could they work miracles? Can the reach the throne of him who answers prayer, and be saved? Are their payers of any avail? I have my opinions but they do not harmoize with those of my neighbor. I may not understand the matter, but I want to and therefore I have taken this liberty. Will you please explain it to me. Begging your pardon for this intrusion upon your time. I remain, sincerely yours. Chas. H. Wirth.

Letter from C. M. Sorensen, 3 December 1894

Sugar House President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, In answer to your favor of the 15th., ult. will say that it would give me great pleasure to go and do all in my power to promulgate the principles of the gospel but I am sorry to say that after due consideration I cannot see my way clear to go. I have a Father and Mother besides my family who are dependent upon me for support and my circumstances are such that I could not leave them without causing them much suffering which I do not feel justified in doing. Your brother in the Gospel, C M Sorensen This is a flat declination. But perhaps, it would do no harm to suggest to him, that if he felt like going sometime in the future, and could do so, to let us know. J. F. S

Letter from Samuel George Spencer, 3 December 1894

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: Your missive bearing date of the 26th. ult. Calling me upon a mission to the "Northern States," came to hand on Thursday last, Nov. 29. After carefully considering, I find it impossible to find what I would call a justifiable excuse. And as the Lord has abundantly blessed my labors this Season, so that I have been able to liquidate, largely,

Letter from Smith Woolley, 3 December 1894

Paris, Idaho. Dec. 3rd 1894 The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Pres. Wilford Woodruff Pres. Geo. Q Cannon Pres. Jos. F. Smith Dear Brethern. Your letter came to hand in regard to the call made of me to go to Provo in the interest of the Sunday school. I feel highly honored to be counted worthy to receive any call at your hands.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 3 December 1894

My dearest Father, Mother, Asahel, Clara, Blanche, Alice, Beulah, Van, Naomi and Will Beloved Parents, Brothers and Sisters: Duty having separated us, for a short time; and set me far over the ocean; The fact that I can not associate with you in word and person; prompts me to write you a few lines, for this the Christmas of "[18]94." You will meet probably today, to celebrate this day on which the Christian world suppose Christ was born. You will meet around the the fire-place and think over prehaps days which are gone bye; of the ^past^ year, which has gently glided away and born its report to the throne of God; of us and all other men; of our thoughts, words and actions be they good or evil. The children will play 'round the cheerful grate and their little hearts will grow glad, when their little eyes behold, what Santa Claus has so kindly given them. What joy will fill their little hearts, that know nothing but sunshine and think old Santa comes down the chblack chimney, just as I use to do. There is something about their sunny little nature, that must be a great blessing and comfort to those who have bore them; for even their Uncle Owen, when he thinks of their cunning little ways & how he loves them; a soft tear comes into my eye, out of love for the dear ones at home. How happy the children make a home and what would it be without them? "A home in name and nothing more." How happy you should be & greatful to

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

$25 34 $25 50 $3050

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $25 (24) cash $10 $25 $25 85

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

500 lb flour $10, $25 $25 60

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

cash $25 Tithg $40 {shorthand} $10 75

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $3 T $10, ,T coal $8 21 Amthrocite Coal $5 girl 7 $3 8

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

10 Ton Cash Distributed 25 50 14 WW {shorthand} $2 {shorthand} $1 3 2025 13 Page 51 Page Paid to Emma 1157 23 42 Paid to Sarah 425 43 Paid to Delight 224 3831 36


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Dec 3, 1894