Day in the Life

Dec 13, 1894

Journal Entry

December 13, 1894 ~ Thursday

13 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to Owen this Morning with ownly
one sheet from myself.


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary

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Letter from Ralph de Clairmont, 13 December 1894
San Francisco . To The Right Reverend The President of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City. Right Reverend Sir! Enclosed I have the honor to present to you a couple of my circulars relating to my great work "Reform," just published, and which has been most favorably commented upon by the papers and is an immense success. In the 5th chapter on Religion," I make an eloquent defence of the Mormon religion and adduce irrefutable arguments for it. I therefore verily believe, that, aside from the other most valuable matter con- tained in my book, it will be greatly interesting to your people. The book contains 280 pages, is handsomely bound in cloth, gilt lettered on the cover, nice clear type, and measures 6 x 9". It sells at $1.25¢ at retail per copy, but taken in quantities of 25 and more, I can make a reduction of 35 cents. My contract with the printers reads, that the whole edition must be paid for within 3 months, before I can dispose of any books for my own benefit; and being my own publisher, it is of vital interest to me to pay for the book as soon as possible. I have no acquaintance, nor correspondent, in your city and therefore make no free as to address you with the
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 13 December 1894
Provo City, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother; Bro. Geo. Reynolds has submitted to me Dr. J. E. Talmage's letter of Nov. 17, addressed to you, containing his request for your permission to have the sug- estive outline for a "Course of Study for the High Schools of Utah Territory" dis- tributed among our churchschools for the purpose of obtaining suggestions from our teachers. He also proposes to have this course after its final adoption by the Legislature followed by our church schools for the sake of harmonious education in the secular branches. I have had this matter under con- sideration for some time, have stu- died the "Outline" over very carefully


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Dec 13, 1894