Day in the Life

Dec 12, 1894

Journal Entry

December 12, 1894 ~ Wednesday

12 I met at the Office Brother Talmage Wm Budge &
other Brethren upon various Branches of Business
we ordained George Albert Lyman an Elder
son of Marion Lyman


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Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
277 mentions
3 mentions
Talmage, James Edward
21 Sep 1862 - 27 Jul 1933
226 mentions


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Letter from David King Udall and William Hoover Gibbons, 12 December 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: We suggest the names of the following named bretheren for missionaries, aggreeable to your request of Nov. 20th. Willard Coleman of Alpine, and David Overson of St Johns, both of Apache Co. Bro Coleman, born in Utah, english descent, speaks no other language. About 25 years of age. Has a wife and one child. Bro David Overson is danish, but American born. Speaks the english language only. About 23 years of age and unmarried. They both belong to the elders quorum of this Stake. There are a number of the brethren in this Stake whom we would be pleased to recommend as missionaries, as soon as their financial circumstances will justify ius, in case it is agreeable to you. Your brethren in the Gospel David K. Udall. W. H. Gibbons S. S. 26 Jan

Letter from Amos Rogers, 12 December 1894

Snowflake President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah I received yours of Dec 6th yesterday appointing me a mission to the Southern States. I am Willing to go and do the Best I can. Trusting in the Lord, and the Faith and Praiys of the Saints to guide me in that Labor, although I feel very weak in the undertaking. As Ever your Brother in the Gospel. Amos Rogers John Hunt Bishop of Snowflake Ward All right. J. F. S.

Letter to Benjamin Cluff, Jr., 12 December 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah. . 189 Elder B. Cluff Jr., B. Y. Academy, Provo. Dear Brother: Your favor of Dec. 5th has been received. We regret that any circumstances have arisen to cause you to so write. We believe we appreciate the good that the B. Y. Academy is doing, and would not do nor say anything, nor have others do or say anything, that would lessen its influence for good among the youth of Israel. We are, however, led to think that possibly you received an exaggerated account of what Bro. Grant said at the Y.M.M.I.A. Conference, as we understand you were not present, and had to depend on what others, who were, possibly, unduly excited, told you. Bro. Joseph F. Smith was present, and did not recog- nize in the remarks made those difficulties that present themselves to your mind and those of your associate teachers, and he thought that when, later in the day, Bro. Grant made an explanation, if not an apology, that he covered the objectionable features of his earlier remarks. We believe that you will act wisely in letting the matter drop, as we do not think the incident was of sufficient importance for you to entertain the indignant feelings that your letter suggests. With kindest regards, Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Jos. F. Smith

Letter from John Olsen, 12 December 1894

Ovid. Willford Woodruff. Esq. Dear Bro. My name was sent in some time ago, as a Sunday School Normal missionary. I accepted the call, and wrote you I would be at Provo at the appointed time, if nothing should come in my way to prevent my coming. Owing to the hard times we have had and are having, I have not been able in any way shape or form to get any money, and have not got one dollar yet; The only way that I will be able to get any money will be to mortgage my place.

Letter from George Teasdale, Alexander Findlay Macdonald, and Henry Eyring, 12 December 1894

Pres't Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Dear Brethren, We return to you two letters from Bro H. S. Harris and one from Bro Geo. Reynolds, which will explain themselves. Having been asked our views in relation to the calling of Bro Harris to qualify himself for the position of attorney for our people in Mexico, we can say that we have long felt the necessity of some one of our people filling that place. As soon as our 10 years are up we shall have to pay State taxes and shall come more directly under State control. It is too much the case that subordinate officials go beyond the limits of the law, and therefore an active, fearless lawyer would be a great help to prevent impositions on the the part of minor officials. If Bro Harris, in your judgment


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Dec 12, 1894