Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1894

Journal Entry

December 31, 1894 ~ Monday

31. I spent the day at the office


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Letter from George Stalker, 31 December 1894

Brother Woodruff In answer to your call Eexept the same, but I wold like time to prepare my self. If you will give me from June 1, 1895 till June 96 I think I can fulfill abetter mirhon [mission] I aint financhly ^fixed^ so I can go before that time I will wait your answer. Your Brother George Stalker Bishop Henry Wakley Call in June [18]95

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 31 December 1894

To the First Presidency, City, Dear Brethren: By way of explanation for the posi- tion I have taken of late regarding the enlargement of Indian Territory Mission and to bring about the set- tlement of this important question I wish to submit the following: It is now almost ten years since I com- menced my labors in the Indian Territory Mission. From the first I have marveled, why, should such large states as those surrounding the Indian Country be left unprosylited? We have labored indirectly amongst the inhabitants of those countries these many years and have awakened an interest in them. Hundreds of the white people who have been, and are now opperating as citizens and renters, through intermarriage, and permits, as laborers, mechanics, merchants, school teachers, stock raisers and tillers of the soil come from Arkansas and Kans- as. We have made the acquaintance of scores of these people, and through these agencies have spread the gospel in those States. In the July number of the Contributor under the head of "Our Missions, and Missionaries" appear an article written in answer to certain questions on that subject, by myself. Impressed by the desire of spreading the Gospel abroad, and deploring the fact that up to that date but little was being done in those states I ventured the statement "I believed those three states would be added to Indian Territory and yet

Letter from George L. Farrell, 21 December 1894

Smithfield . Prest. Wilford Woodruff. My Dear Brother: Enclosed please find Bro William Done's Receipt for $32.00 to pay for his fare from Chattanooga to Smithfield, as per your letter of Sept. 12th please forward a Receipt for same so that I can get credit in my Tithing Settlement for this year & oblige Yours very truly Geo L. Farrell P. S. I wish you & all associated with you, with all your families a very happy New Year. & many of them, hoping that these few lines may find you all enjoying good health, as it leaves me and all mine at present. we have about 8 inches of snow on the

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Tithg $25 25 Total for 1894 $224

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

[tear in paper] Emma $10 10 Page 52 1157 23

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $2 $1159 23


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Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Dec 31, 1894