Day in the Life

Jan 3, 1895

Journal Entry

January 03, 1895 ~ Thursday

3 I spent the day in the office Met with the Utah
Met at the Temple I gave Hugh
J Cannan
15 shares of Zions savings Bank
for security on the [blank] Bank making 30
shares as security upon that Bank in a few days
for $3000.


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Letter from William E. Criddle, 3 January 1895
Utah President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. your letter of recent date is at hand in which you stated my name had been selected as a missionary for ^me^ theo g Northern States leaving Salt Lake City March 2nd [18]95 if all is well will be at the Historians Office to be set apart March 1st [18]95 Your Brother in the Gospel W. E. Criddle Wm Giles Bishop P P. Q. A. Morgan City Morgan Co Utah
Letter from Conrad John Smith, 3 January 1895
Glendale Jan 3rd 1894 Pres Wilford Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother Your letter of Dec 22d in which you notefied me of my call as missionary to Northern States at hand Except my gratitude for the honor thus confered I am ready and willing to aid in the caus of truth. It will be a little difficult for me to start at the time appointed I am engaged in sheep raising have a large herd leased and if I could have time to dispose of them it would be a great favor my lease will expire on 20th of October


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Jan 3, 1895