Day in the Life

Feb 12, 1895

Journal Entry

February 12, 1895 ~ Tuesday

12 We met with Brother Budge & with others we had a
meeting with the financial Board of the savings
Bank {They offered to loan us thirty thousand dollars. This is a great relief to us.}


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Letter from George L. Dutson, 12 February 1895

Oak City, President Woodruff: Dear Bro: My call to perform a mission to the Southern States, was answered in the affirmative about one month ago. However, I thought perhaps you did not receive it, because my friend, Collier Lovell, received a letter from the President of the Southern Mission, giving him some general instructions, and I thought that I should have received one also. Please let me know

Letter from Alfred Oborn, 14 February 1895

Ogden Prest Wilford Woo[d]ruff Dear Bro Brother Alfred Oborn whose letter is enclosed is ^a^ young ^man^ in very poor health His call was to go to Turkey. I don't think he would ever reach that country alive but I do think a mission to the Southern States or Calafornia might help him and if his health improved He would make a good missionary as he is a worthy faithful Elder. He is very poor. He clerks in a store for very small wages Respectfully E Stratford Bishop 4th ward Weber Stake

Letter from Charles Peterson, 10 February 1895

if it is agreeable for me to start from here would like you to send me speacel Rates from maricopa with all necessary instructions to guide me on my Journey to meet the compay also give Instructions to the Stake Presidency as to setting mae apart for the mission I Remain your Brother in the gospel Chas Peterson James M Horne BP Arrangements should be made for him to be set apart by the Presi- dency of the Stake, and for rates from Maricopa to his field of labor. J. F. S.

Letter from George Lionel Farrell, 12 February 1895

Smithfield, Utah, President W. Woodruff, Dear Brother: We have a very good family living in this Ward by the name of Clark, who has a Sister and Brother in Law residing in Providence Rode Island, at No 25 River St. by the name of Mrs Emma Denman, who are very anxious [to] see an Elder of our Church, and hear the Gospel, we have been sending the Deseret News to them for a few months, and they are very much taken up with the sermons contained therein, and say they would very much like to see an Elder who could explain the Gospel to them, and answer questions. we therefore thought best to write and ask if there are any missionaries in that region of country, if you would kindly write & ask one of them to call on these people, or send me the name and address of one, and I will get Brother Clarke to write to him. Again, I have a Nephew in Logan, named Edward E. Hyde, who is secretary of the Agricultural College and also teaches in the college certain days in the Week, and who is a nice young man and yet single, in talking with my Sister, "his Mother," on Saturday, she expressed a great desire to have him sent on a mission. I saw him since and told him that he may be sent on a mission to Germany soon, therefore prepare himself, he answered that he would prefer going

Letter from John DeGrey Dixon, 17 February 1895

Provo City, Utah, . George Reynolds Esq Sec'y to the ^also^ Missionary Committee of the Apostles. Salt Lake City Dear Brethern, Yours of 2nd Inst. received, asking me if it would be agreeable with my feelings and consistent with my circumstances to take a mission to the Southern States. If so, how soon could I be ready? as a number of mission- aries are required there in March. In regard to my feelings they are the same as when I wrote the First Council of Seventies Nov 24 [18]94, as follows: in reply to the same questions and explained my circum- stances to them and left the matter entirely to them: "I feel well and if my circumstances are such as the brethern of the First Council of Seventies think that I can work through with, I have faith that it will be so and would be on hand at any ^time^ they signify to do my duty in this calling. As I have never made it a practice of making excuses to prevent my working in any calling in the Church

Letter from John Laird Jenkins, 12 February 1895

Ogden Prest Wilford Woodruff Esq Dear Bro Yours of Feby 9 received and contents noted. I will say that it was agreat supprise to me and found me unprepared at this time to fill a mission to gGreat Britain on account of my crcumstanses I must ask to be passed by at this time at least I am in debt about $100000 past due 1 year at 10% Interest with five of us in family and for me to leave home for 2 years I would be compelled to leave them with any visible means of support these are some of the reasons

Letter from Parley Taylor Wright, 12 February 1895

OGDEN, UTAH, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: I am in receipt of your call to perform a mission to California, and replying would say that I shall be in readiness to go on the date named—Mar 2nd 1895. Sincerely your brother, Parley T. Wright. I can cheerfully recommend Brother Parley T Wright as a worthy Elder E Stratford Bishop 4th ward Weber Stake Good and to the point. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks and William Frederick Rigby, 12 February 1895

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Our Stake Conference was held Sunday and Monday 10 & 11th when we had present Apostle Heb. J. Grant and President Jon. G. Kimball. These Brethren imparted much good council and admonition to us especially on the word of wisdom and as to guarding the youth of our wards. The Saints realized and sensed the importance of all that was said to us in these matters and we look for an increasing conformity to the laws of the Lord among us. We have had a good deal of sickness and some deaths. The weather was seasonable and all enjoyed the conference very much. Temporally we are being prospered notwithstanding the low price of products. Your Brethren in the Gospel T. E. Ricks Wm F. Rigby

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

$10 T (18) $5 T $5 Cash $40 60

Letter from Joel Hills Johnson, 12 February 1895

Kanab, Utah, Answered Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro. Bros ^Thos^ Greenhalgh and ^Alex^ Adams— the two young Brethren from here who are called on missions and are to be in Salt Lake City March 24th desire to get my special rates over the Rail Roads from either Milford or Salina as it is uncertain at present, whether the roads will be open between here and Panguitch, at that time. They also wish to stop of[f] at Provo a few days. If this can be done and the missionaries have any advantage in reduced rates, will you please arrange this matter for them, and oblige Yours truly Joel H Johnsen Bishop 2725 + 275 = 3000


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 12, 1895