Day in the Life

Feb 16, 1895

Journal Entry

February 16, 1895 ~ Saturday

16. I spent the day at home reading & writing

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Letter from Amy Mason, 16 February 1895

Mr. W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir, I am a student in the High School of this city, and the subject of Mormonism was given me on which to write a paper. I see in a recent copy of "[Chicago] The Inter Ocean," your name as President of the Church. And as I wish some information from authoritive source, and also

Letter from Franklin Benjamin Woolley, 16 February 1895

Prest W. W. Woodruff, Box B. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear brother you will please excuse me for infringing on your time by writing you in relation to my presint circum- stances. I am living in the Graham word [ward] of the Kanab stake of Zion, but wish to move to some other place, as our word is badely scattered, extending over some ten miles of coun- try, consequentley our privileges, spirit- tually, are very limited, as we have meetings only for a short time in the summer, and no other organizations, running in the word, and my ranch is some distance from the other ranches, so that

Letter from William Jasper Kerr, 16 February 1895

Logan, Utah, . First Presidency of the Church^,^ Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: The Encyclopedia Britannica, which you were kind enough to contribute to the Brigham Young College library, was duly received in good condition. It is a very valuable addition to the library, and I assure you that your kindness in giving it to nthe College is most heartily appreciated, not only by the Trus- tees and Faculty, but also by the patrons of the College. The books will be placed in a new oak case with an embossed card giv- ing the names of the donors. Through the liberality of the friends of the College in con- tributing books and cash, the library facilities have been in- creased this year by about $1,300, and nearly as much more has been subscribed. Some very valuable contributions have also been made during the year to the museum. Again thanking you for the interest you take in our work, I am, Most respectfully yours, W. J. Kerr

Letter from Alfred Saxey, 16 February 1895

Provo Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Yours of 15th inst, notifying me of my call as a Missionary to Great Britain received to day. I am pleased to accept this call, and hope that in this service, I may be instrumental in bringing some souls to repentance, and to see the light and beauty of the Everlasting Gospel, as revealed by our Heavenly Father in this the latter day. I will make my arrangements to start by the 13th April 1895. Your Brother in the Gospel A. Saxey OK Jos. B Keeler, Bishop 4th ward Provo. All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Martin R. McFarland, 16 February 1895

West Weber. President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I accept the call as a missionary to the Northern States, and will be at the Historians Office on the day previous to that appointed for leaveing your Brother in the Gospel Martin R. McFarland. Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Richard Franklin Jardine Jr., 16 February 1895

[Lewisville, Oneida County, Idaho Territory|Lewisville]] Ida, Pres. Woodruff." Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother In answer to the call made upon me," I can say I will respond to the best of my ability, and will present my self at the office on the day mentioned in your letter And be prepeared to start for the Southeren States with the rest of the "missionaries." R. F. Jardine, Jr. R. F. Jardine, Bp. Very good. J. F. S.

Letter from Soren Peterson, 16 February 1895

Logan Willford Woodruff, Dear Bro. Yours of Feb 9th received in answering will say I will present my self at Historians office ^the day^ previous to my departure from Salt Lake as per your request Very Respectfully, Your Bro. in the Gospel Soren Peterson Prest Woodruff Dear Brother our regards Brother Peterson he is a good meaning young man and if he takes the right course he will make a good missionary he has been rather whild in the past but he feels willing to take a right course in the future and as such I recomend him to your consideration your Brother in the Gospel Thomas X Smith Bp of the Logan fourth Ward See over

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $3 E $2 (23) girl $3 8


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 16, 1895