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Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1895

Journal Entry

February 15, 1895 ~ Friday

15 I spent the day in the office I met with the Board of ZCMI
Meeting lasted 3 Hours


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Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 15 February 1895
President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, The undernoted is a list of names we have pleasure in recommending to you and the Missionary Committee for Missionaries William Hill a High Priest 44 years of age Heber Ricks [a High Priest] 36 [years of age] Ernest Ricks [a] Priest 22 [years of age] Fred Smith Elder 30 [years of age] John Hinckley Priest 24 [years of age] All the above live in Rexburg John Donaldson, High Priest, 50 years of age address St. Anthony. Richard F. Jardine Jun. a Priest 22 years of age residing at Lewisville Robert Green an elder 24 years old residing at Menan Joseph James High Priest 35 years old residing at Teton
Letter from William Henry Cazier, 15 February 1895
Afton Wyo. To the First Presidency Salt Lake Utah. Dear Brethren: I received a letter from Elder Geo. Reynolds, bearing date of Jan. 24th inquiring if it would be agreeable with my feelings & cnsistent, with my circumstances to be called to take a foreign mission. I answered same, I believe, on the 27th or 28th ult. & also asked some questions regarding same, but have failed to receive any reply, up to presant date. I stated it is agreeable with my feeling in my letter of some time ago, but was not financially situated to leave immediately, but if I can possibly raise the necessary means, wished to leave right after April conference, also asked about what my expense would be to my destination, & the probable cost after I arrive at same. I also stated I was engaged in a correspondence course in law, & ^asked^ if there would be any objections to me devoting my leisure time to same, providing I had any such time? Because I am engaged in said course, it shall not be an impediment to me going & attending to my duties, as my desires are to serve the Lord & all other matters are of secondary (over)


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 15, 1895