Day in the Life

Feb 22, 1895

Journal Entry

February 22, 1895 ~ Friday

Feb 22, 1895

Washington Birth Day I spent the day at home
writing out invitations to our Birth Day Party


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Washington, George
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
48 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman

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Letter from William A. Wetzel, 22 February 1895
Feb 22nd 1895 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Having received a notice Stating my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to the Northern States I take this my earliest opportunity to answer it having just returned from Wyoming. While I consider it a great honer to be thus called I must say I cant see my way clear I am over twelve hundred dollars in debt and owing to the dull times and scarity of work the last few years I dont see any way


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Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 22, 1895