Day in the Life

Feb 21, 1895

Journal Entry

February 21, 1895 ~ Thursday

21 I met with the Twelve in the Temple the Doctrins
of {J F Smith} was Discused in one of his sermons about
The Apostles not Having the Gift of the Holy Ghost untill after the death of the savior


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4128 mentions


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Letter from Anson Bowen Call, 21 February 1895

Colonia Dublan, . Pres't. Wilford Woodruff, P.O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Your favor of the 13th, inst., requ^i^ring my servises as a missionary to Great Britain, is duly received; and in reply to same will say, that by the grace of our Heavenly Father, I will try and be ready at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel, Anson B. Call F. G. Williams, Acting Bishop Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Franklin Chandler Parkinson, 21 February 1895

Franklin, Idaho, Prest. Willford Woodruf Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother! I was handed a letter few days ago from Sec. Geo. Reynolds to Prest. Moses Thatcher and Board of Directors of The O.M. Union also rec'd copy of same letter direct from Bro. Reynolds, wherein you release me from a mission call to California, in answer to request of Board Directors. It is my desire to always comply with any and all calls made of me by the Church authorities and while I am satisfied with the release I would be pleased for you to know that the request was not ask by the Board through any influence of mine as I was prepared to go, but am willing to go or stay as you think best and desire always to be used where I can do the most good. Your Bro. in the Gospel F. C. Parkinson

Letter from Fredrick B. Goold, 21 February 1895

Monroe , President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: In answer to your letter of Jany 30th [18]95, notifying me of my name having been accepted as a missionary, Will say that I feel greatly honored to think myself worthy of so great a call; But am sorry to state that as yet I have been unable to turn anything into ready means which would be necessary for the trip. However if I can make any such turn before the appointed time I shall be pleased to go. If not I will have to ask for an extention of time. Your Brother in the Gospel Fredrick B. Goold. Orson Magleby Bp.

Letter from Thomas William Jones, b. 1872, 21 February 1895

Paragoonah Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Yours of Feb 14 recieved in regards to my call to the Southern States, can say I am very much unprepared to leave home at present, would ask to be released as I am in very poor circustances. my home is unpaid for also other obligations and my creditors is crouding me, I have nothing to deppend on for a living but a days work when I can get it Would ask to be released at present. Your Brother in the Gospel Thomas W. Jones I beleive the above to be true statement Wm. E. Jones Bp Paragoonah Ward Let him be honorably released J. F. S.

Letter from Henry L. Kotter, 21 February 1895

Thursday Evening . Pres. Woodruff. Dear Brother: Yours of the 9th. inst. was recieved and read, and, this being my first convenience to answer I will state that inasmuch as you are desirous of me to go to the Southern States on a mission, I will with the aid and assistance of my Heavenly Father gladly respond to the call made of me: and will be at the Historians Office at the time required, Mar. 23. Your Brother in the Gospel—Henry L. Kotter. Jens Hansen Bp.

Letter from Oscar Eskelson, 21 February 1895

Woodland Pres wilford woodruff Dear Brother in answer to your letter of the 14 I wish to Say I am Ever wiling to doo the will of the lord. I am not as well Educated in the principles of the gospel as I Should bee. but I will bee on hond at the apointed time to go. and do the Best I can. your brother in the gospel. Oscar Eskelson I Believe Bro Eskelson will a complish a good Mission—your Brother in the Gosp Ephraim Lambert

Letter from Robert Newton Egbert, 21 February 1895

Lewiston President. Woodruff. Dear Brother, I received notice of appointment to Southern States mission. I can say I am thankful to be counted waithy to assist in the advancement of the Work of the Lord, at home or abroad, though money is scarce and I do not know how it will come but I have faith that the way will open for me and

Letter from Armenag Dikran Shil Hagopian, 21 February 1895

To The First Presidency of the Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints. illegible [foreign language]


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Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 21, 1895