Day in the Life

Feb 25, 1895

Journal Entry

February 25, 1895 ~ Monday

25 I spent the day in the Office I received 2 letters
^ A folded letter/box^ from Owen one to Father & Mother & one to Blanche &
Asahel had one They were vary fine Letter


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
630 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
702 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1026 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
281 mentions


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Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

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Letter from Thomas Heddock Hilton, 25 February 1895

To The First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethern: We were somewhat disappointed at not receiving a note from you with this mail. We are all well here at present, although the Elders and Sisters have been suffering with the dengue fever; myself and wife were confined to our beds for almost two weeks, but through ^the^ help of the Lord we all "pulled through" and are feeling well again. Several foreigners have died with it, and the natives have lost a great many. We have every occasion to be encouraged in our labors; although few baptisms are being perform- ed, people seem to be very much interested in our doctrine, and our meetings are well attended. The reports of the Elders from the various "fields" are also of a very encouraging nature. With kind love and best wishes, I remain as ever Your humble servant in Christ. T. H. Hilton.

Letter from Alexander Walters Wright, 25 February 1895

To Prest Willford Woodruff Dear Bro, your notice of the 21st received and by the help of the Lord I will be there as per notification. trusting that I may be able to perform the duties of the calling en- joined upon me I remain Your Bro in the Gospel A. W. Wright Wm. H. Pratt BP good. J. F. S.

Letter from Edward F. Stevens, 25 February 1895

Holden, Millard Co., Utah. President Wilford Woodruff. Sir, Will say in reply to your notification, I will be ready to start June 29, as stated. I dont know of any reasonable excuse I could offer, but if I can do any good either to myself or any one else I am perfectly willing to do what I can. Your brother in the Gospel Edward F. Stevens. Anthony Stephenson Bp Good, & to the point! J. F. S.

Letter from Ernest Ricks, 25 February 1895

Rexburg Pres Wilford Woodruff I will be on hand to fullfil a mishion to the Southern States as you request me to be oin Salt Lake City on June 28, 1895 I will be there Yours Truely Ernest Ricks T. E. Ricks, Pr. Bp good. J. F. S.

Letter from Francis Augustus Stowell, 25 February 1895

President Wilford Woodruff Dear sir: I received your letter informing me that my name had been accepted as a missionary to Great Briton. I can only say in answer that will be pleased to accept the appointment and will be on hand at the appointed time if nothing happens to hinder more than I know off at present. Yours Respectfuly F. A. Stowell George W Sevey Bp

Letter from Francis Augustus Stowell, 25 February 1895

Letter from Samuel Oldham, 25 February 1895

Hyde Park, Utah. . Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. Your favor of the 15th inst is at hand. The date you name (Aug 24) is satisfactory to me and I will endeavor to be prepared to leave by that time for the field you mention, (the Southern States) Yours Truly S. P. Oldham P. S. My bishop is not at home just at present so I send this reply without his signature. S. P. O. Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel Richard Wilcock, 25 February 1895

Parawan Iron Co. Feb. 25th 1895 President Woodruff Dear Brother the Honored Call made of me to except a mission to the Southen States I only received last night being absent from home when it came I felt gratefull to be considered worthy of promulgating the truths of heaven to the world of mankind but felt to say that altho I consider myself a poor man with a wife and th two children and we have to deprive ourselves of many comforts of life in order to live (having no income whatever) yet I feetl that it would be better for me to make the stringent effort and fill the mission that has been apointed me therefore if no obsticle presents its self that I no not off you may expect

Letter from Elmer Eugene Hinckley, 25 February 1895

Hinckley, . To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Dear Bro's, New Years morning I rec'd. a call for a mission to the Southern States, now being prepared to answer you definitely will report readiness to depart (with a No. of others called from the Academy at Provo) on or before June the 1st. Yours most respectfully E. E. Hinckley. very good J. F. S.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 25, 1895