Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1895

Journal Entry

February 28, 1895 ~ Thursday

28. Spent two hours in the Temple with The Presidency
& Twelve Moses Thatcher Prayed Abram Cannon Mouth
Prest G. Q. Cannon was quite poorly to day
we had quite a Number of Letters to day from
the East upon business Matters


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
145 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2266 mentions
445 mentions


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Letter from Arthur Stayner, 28 February 1895

SALT LAKE CITY, To the Presidency of the Church Dear Brethren Presuming that you will feel gratified to learn the fact, I take the liberty of informing you that some Canaigre roots which I had planted out in the open last fall, have withstood the frost and have already thrown out leaves; thus demonstrating that through that source we can furnish ourselves with tannin to any amount, save our hides, and make our boots and shoes and harness and employ from two to three thousand hands and save millions of dollars from going out of the Territory. I am pleased to be able to announce the presence of this valuable resource of the Territory. Respectfully your brother Arthur Stayner

Letter from Charles Parker, 28 February 1895

Kannara Preisident woodruff Dear brother the reason of my delay in answer to your letter of the 14 was because the Bishop was from home but I have seen him know so I will answer illegible I was surprised when I red your letter as I was relieased from the arizona mishsion by the apostle Erastus Snow on the acount of my Fathers age he having no other supporte than me bro Snow told me to stay with my Parents and see to theire comferts as long as they lived my Father has pased away but my mother and ^aunt^ is living yet they air geting febel and kneed my care know m mutch more than Father and

Letter from John Henry Fisk Stout, 28 February 1895

Rockville President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your letter of Feby 21st which I received a few days ago bringing to me the information that I had been accepted as a missionary to the nNorthern sStates and wishing to know my feelings with regard to the call I would not dare to treat lightly this call knowing as I do that it comes from the proper source I am verry poorly qualified for this great labor not having studied the scrip- tures as I should and not being posted in regard to church history which is so nesessary in this mission but the Lord knows best. It has been my

Letter from Thomas F. Wasden, 28 February 1895

Scipio Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. Yours of 21 to hand and contents noted. Will say in reply I will accept the call. Your Brother in the Gospel Thos. F. Wasden Thomas Yates Bp of Scipio Ward Very good except the Bps: endorse ment J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for {shorthand} 28 50 [28] for vest for self 5 500


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Feb 28, 1895