Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1895

Journal Entry

April 30, 1895 ~ Tuesday

30 Thank God we have a great rain which soaks
the whole Earth I was not well this morning

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Letter from George Lionel Farrell, 30 April 1895
Smithfield, Utah, . [sideways text] Geo. L. Farrell Apl. 30 [18]95. [end of sideways text] Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Yours of 26th to hand inclosing a note from Brother James Burgess, and in answer will say, that we have been furnishing him Flour, Meat, Potatoes, Butter, & Wood along as he called upon us, but he wanted Merchandise and Wheat, and I told him if he would come and do a little carpenter work I would let him have some Wheat, but he left without saying whether he would do so or not, and I have not seen him since. He has 2 boys, that he says he can do nothing with. I advised him to put them out with some good Men who would watch over them and teach them to work, & make them comfortable. One of the Brethren told me the other day, that Bro Burgess feels that he has done enough for the Curch to be supported the balance of his days without work. I have known him for 10 or 12 years and I think that 25$ would cover all he has done in that time. Still I am willing to help him, but I consider that he should work, "for some of it at least," there are older men, who are more feble than he, who work for their living, and I think he should do something towards getting his living, he will run in debt, and then come to me to help him out of his trouble, he traded of part of his farm last fall for a Buggy & Horses, but if he had sold part of it and
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Cash $25 $25 50 $100


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Apr 30, 1895