Day in the Life

May 1, 1895

Journal Entry

May 01, 1895 ~ Wednesday

May 1. Received a Letter from Orson Sithmith says they
took out about $4000 in gold in 8 days we were visited
By Mr Pierson we also held a Meeting with Ogden
Power Company
we also Met with the savings Bank
Board & heard the Report which was favorable


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Smith, Orson
205 mentions

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Letter from Alonzo Watson Platt, 1 May 1895

Salt Lake City, Utah, Wilford Woodruff: City: Dear Brother: In reply to yours of April 15th, I thank you for the honor confered upon me as a missionary to the Southern States. I will be ready to start from this City on June 1 1895. Your brother in the gospel: Alonzo W. Platt: Pres W. W. Woodruff Dear Brother I take great Pleasure in fulley Recomending Bro Alonzo W. Platt, to the mssin he has been called to Respectfully Your Brother in the Gosple N. A Empey Bishop 13th Ward very good J. F. S.

Letter from Hyrum Mackay, 1 May 1895

Dear Brother Woodruff I write to answer the request made of me sometime a go to fulfill a mission to the Southern Sates on the 24 of August I Will be ready and Willing to go at the time appointed if all is well your Brother in the Gospel Hyrum MacKay Heber Bennion Bp. [sideways text] very good J. F. S. [end sideways text]

Letter from Swen Larsen Swenson, 1 May 1895

Pleasant Grove, Utah, Pres Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Yours of Apr 15th calling me to fulfill a mission on June 1st to the Southern States came duly to hand and I feel thankful for the call but I would kindly ask to have the time extended about two months from June 1st or between July and September when you will be sending other missionaries to that locality I would much prefer going to the Southern States to most any other locality so would not like to have a chan[g]e from the call I have. I called at the office yesterday with Bishop Thorne who sanctioned the extension of time asked for but there was no one in to attend to the matter. I am thirty years of age and am expecting to get married the latter part of May am also manager of a mercantile business which is hardly in a shape to leave untill a successor is

Letter from Willard Julius Johnson, 1 May 1895

Rexburg, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Your notification of my being accepted as a Missionary to the Southern States is at hand. Will say there are no greater obstacles in the way but what they can be surmounted, and I will be at the appointed place to be set apart for my mission on the appointed day I am Yours Respectfully Willard Johnson Rexburg Idaho. T. E. Ricks, Jr. Bp very good J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $15 T $10 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

{shorthand} $100 C. T. $60 160

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Sylvia $10 sent Sarah $25 35

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


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Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

May 1, 1895