Day in the Life

May 4, 1895

Journal Entry

May 04, 1895 ~ Saturday

4 I spent the day at home it rained a good part
of the Day

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Letter from Charles Albert Glazier, 4 May 1895

Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Bro I received today in my mail two letters one addressed to Edward A Glazier and one to Edward D Glazier I know of no such persons in the City. My Fathers name is C. D. Glazier and my name is C. A. Glazier. The letter is a circular mssionary form and asks that the person report on his condition to take a mission to the Eastern States If the letter is for me please let me know Any information you can give me will be axiously awaited and received Trusting to receive an answer by return mail I Am Most Respectfully C. A. Glazier

Letter from David McAlister Faddies, 4 May 1895

West Weber Pres Willford Woodruff Dear bro I have not as yet recieved any instructions ^from^ the Southern States mission, also that I have some work to do along with Father and Mother in the Temple, I would like to leave heare on Wednesday morning May 8th if you have a half fare ticket for me please send it & oblige your brother in the Gospell D. M. Faddies. Answered W C S

Letter from Joseph A. Walston, 4 May 1894

Letter from Joseph C. McDonald, 4 May 1895

Heber, City, . Wilford Woodruff. Dear President. In ascer to your inquirery how I feal in regard to my call to suthern states mission. I can say I feal it my duty as a Latter day Saint, to respond to my call made of me by those placed over me. I feal pleased that the Lord thinks I am worthy to go, and promulgate the Gospel to those that sit in darkness. I am not very well poasted in the scriptures. But I am willen to go and tell what I do know, Bleaving the Lord will instruct me in many more princeples pertaining to the Gospel.

Letter from William Nephi Casper, 4 May 1895

To Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. Your letter of May 2nd came to hand to day. And I hasten to reply. If I can be the humble instrument In the hands of the lord. In helping to promulgate the gospel I am on hand to take a mission to the Southern States. And I will say that I will be at the Hoistoroians office on June 28th to be set apart to fill said mission.

Letter from Emmett John Robinson, 4 May 1895

Ashland Caswell Co N. C. Presdendt Woodruff Dear Brother as I now take grate pleasure in adressing you a few lines in regards to let you now how I am getting along in my labors that is with my Mission in which I was called to fulfill last fall, in which I left American Fork Nov 10th [18]94 and started for the sweet suny South, now in my travels out here I stoped and spent one day at Denver Col in which I see a grate portion of the City and after I left this place


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May 4, 1895