Day in the Life

May 5, 1895

Journal Entry

May 05, 1895 ~ Sunday

5. Sunday I spent the day at home Reading

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Letter from George Henry Robinson, 5 May 1895
Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother. Yours of 2nd received and in reply will say, that I shall try and arrange my business so as to be prepared to start on the date named, if nothing hinders. I shall endeavor to prepare myself so as to be worthy to bear the message of the Gospel. Your brother in the Gospel, Geo. H. Robinson. Ira Nebeker Bp. very good J. F. S.
Letter from Milton H. Welling, 5 May 1895
Farmington, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. Your letter of the third inst. is before me and I trust my delay in answering may be satisfactorily ex- plained by the fact that it took me some time to confer with the local church a^u^thorities. If, after consideration of the foll- owing facts, you still consider my position favorable for missionary work; I am willing to do the best I can. I will not be 20 yrs. old until the 25th of next January. My mother is a widow. I am at present att- ending the University of Utah


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May 5, 1895