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Day in the Life

May 15, 1895

Journal Entry

May 15, 1895 ~ Wednesday

Brother Orson Telegraphs that He is
^15^ Bringing 15 1/2 lbs of Gold to the Bank from the Sterling
we were visited by theSeveral persons upon
^[FIGURE]^ various subjects I wrote to Owen 4 pages I herd Perbek
Letter read on contracts


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
439 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Smith, Orson
70 mentions


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Letter from Johan Leonard George Johnsen, 15 May 1895
Dear Brethren Your Letter of March 6th at hand. Am Sorry but my Financial Circum- stanses, does not allow me to go at Present Time Your Brother Geo Johnsen 4 Ward City Single man. Father died 2 years ago. taking care of his mother is a little in debt, would like to have 6 or 9 months time & will report. May 20 [18]95. Let him be honorably excused. J. F. S.
Letter from William E. Jenkins, 15 May 1895
Newton , [1895] Pres. Woodruff, Dear Bro. In reply to your request of May 8, concerning my feelings on being called to the Southern States Mission. I will say I feel highly honored to be considered worthy of being called to aid in promulgating the Everlasting Gospel. I will endeavor to be ready to go at the appointed time, Sept. 21, 1895. Yours Truly Wm. E. Jenkins W. H. Griffin Bishop Very good J. F. S.


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May 15, 1895