Day in the Life

May 14, 1895

Journal Entry

May 14, 1895 ~ Tuesday

14 ^ A folded letter/box Keys crossed^ I received a Letter from Owen to Mother on read
Letter Day it was quite interesting He was stoping
with a Farmer on his way to Berlin. He would
plough Harrow & Milk cows day time & Preach
nights in a place whare Mormons citizens were
forbidden to pray under penalty of fine & impris-
and He runs quite a risk himself
of being Arested


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1030 mentions


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Letter from E. Neuteboom, 14 May 1895

Ogden, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother—when I was in S. Lake a few weeks ago reporting my labors done in the Net- herlands Mission; President Jos. F. Smith asked me to see if I could not find some good Hollanders for a mission to their natiave land, and if I would find any, to report. Theirfore I take pleasure in presenting the name of a good faithfull brother or Elder which I have known on my first mission in Holl. and also here in Zion. And as we need Elders over their who are acquainted with the language, custums of the people, and the Gospel, I think this is a very good man for that country. He has no famely, but I have no doubt but what his wife is able and willing to take care of hersel during his absents.

Letter from Arthur Stayner, 14 May 1895

SALT LAKE CITY, Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon & Joseph F. Smith: Dear Brethren: The manufacture of our leather and footwear is now within the reach of this people. For the articles depending upon this manufacture we are sending out of the Territory from one to one and a half millions a- year. To save this outgo and to pay this large amount of money to producers and operatives at home instead of abroad, would be assuredly a matter of vast importance to the financial interests and domestic economy of the people, and important factor in rendering them self-dependent. The Canaigre root has been proved to contain tanning power to a remarkable degree, and of superior quality capable of tanning all kinds of leather. It has been further proved that the root responds generously to cultivation, and what is most important, that it will bear the cold of the winters in this locality, (Salt Lake City) thus enabling the farmers to secure a new and profitable crop with an assured market, and to raise that crop where it is needed to be used with the minimum of transportation. To inaugurate this industry at the earliest opportunity among the people will require an energetic, continuous and persistent effort. If it is not objectionable to you I am ready to undertake this labor, being now in possession of the information necessary to its accomplishment. If this movement meets your mind and engages your sympathy will you contribute out of Church funds a small sum such as $25 or $30 per month for a few months, to assist in defraying the expense of its inauguration Respectfully submitted Your brother in the Gospel Arthur Stayner.

Letter from Alexander Findlay Macdonald, 14 May 1895

Colonia Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico President Woodruff, & Counsellers—Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brothern, I sent you enclosed a letter from Fernando Lora, who is now in the City of Mexico, visiting relatives, and preaching the Gospel. He was appointed by Governor Ahumada of this ^state^ Judge of civil Register for colonia Juarez, and Pacheco. he yet holds the office, as the Governer has not made another appointment thus far, but we are taking care of the Records, and have advised him to return, rather than have a stranger appointed us, as the Governer claimed the Registar should be a native Also send you letters received from M. J. Trejo, which will explain themselves; he appears to have some trials, and I may say he was first disappointed in not geting the permit to go into the state of Sonora, via the Oxaca Colony of "Parson" Williams as they required he should stay there, then he concluded to Labor on the San Pedro & Gila River settlements for the time being, as his letter states he came on to Deming, and aftward returned to St David, where he has a family. In view of his poor health and discouragements, we have invited him to come in via El Paso; visit the colonies and work from any point he may choose to locate himself, which it seems has decided him to go into Sonoraalone, before moving a family, and we may hear from him again on his return. Bro. Geo Reynolds; told me to instruct Bro. Lora to report his labors south, which I did; but as he may return soon thought you would be gratified to know the spirit he manifests and he probably would not report himself to you. With best wishes, I am yours in the Gospel Cov. A. F. Macdonald

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To E $3 girl $3 / 3 tickets $7.05 16 5 [14] Peter work on House 3


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May 14, 1895