Day in the Life

Jun 3, 1895

Journal Entry

June 03, 1895 ~ Monday

3rd I met with Board of Zions Savings Bank &
we Elected A New Board but the same Men
of the former Board, we also met with Mr
Mires & Marcus E Jones upon Making a Road to
Deep Creek and to Examine for a Road to
St George


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Letter from George Vernon Morris Jr., 3 June 1895
Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruf Dear brother On April twenty fourth last I recieved your letter calling me to a mission to indian Ter. I accept the call with pleasure an will endeavor to be prepared to start on date set. Your Obiedient servant G. V. Morris Jr. very good. J. F. S.
Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Moses Thatcher, Seymour Bicknell Young, and John Jaques, 3 June 1895
S L City, . To President W. Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, & Jos. F. Smith. Dear Brethren—Your committee, to whom you referred certain applealed cases from Stake High Councils, for exam- ination and findings, respectfully report the following on the case between the Bishopric of Farmington and Brother T. B. Clark. The record submitted shows that Brother Clark has been disposed, and has made it his practice, to defame the reputation of his brethren, and when urged to make specific charges against those whom he has accused of various crimes has persistently refused to do so, yet has not discontinued his slanderous remarks, but has found fault with the Bishopric for not trying those against whom he will neither make direct charges nor testify. While accusing others, his letters, written over an assumed name, clearly show, in our opinion, the duplicity to which he descended in his efforts to injure the local authorities of the Farmington Ward. In view of these findings, we respectfully recommend that the decision of the Stake High Council be affirmed, and that instructions be given to have the same enforced. F. D. Richards Moses Thatcher Seymour B. Young John Jaques.


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Jun 3, 1895