Day in the Life

Jun 4, 1895

Journal Entry

June 04, 1895 ~ Tuesday

4 we learn by Telegraph that Many are Dying
in the streets in New york & other cities with
the Heat. Thermometer 100


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Letter from D. Dockum, 4 June 1895

Woodruff June 4, [18]95. Mr. Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir I am a going to take the liberty of address you in regard dto a posestion in that city, am a shoe maker by trade, but would work as a drive out in store or meat market, am strickly temperate and can furnish refferance if so wanted I am 30 year old and well

Letter from Isaac Arnold Porter, 4 June 1895

Escalante Presedent Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother in answe to your letter of may ^the^ first 1895 which came to hand a short time ago. you wanted to know what my myfeelings were with regard to the call to go no [on] a mission I will state that my feelings are. that inf the authorities of the Church sees fit to call me to go on amission I am willing to go and do the best i can in my weak way for i have a desire to do all the good that i can for the advancement of fathers kingdon upon the Earth at home or abrod as for my circumstances will permit and if some unseen obstacles does not arise ^to hinder^ I will be there at the time apointed Your Brother in the gospel Isaac A Porter Andrew P. Schow good. J. F. S.

Letter from Marie Augusta Race, 4 June 1895

Saginau M. S. Dear Sir This is to inform you that my Father Mr Darius Race was called hence last Wednesday morning at 7 oclock. he met with an accident monday afternoon by being run over while in the field on the farm of my brother at Marlette he would have been 90 years of age had ^he^ lived untill the 10 of December next would also like you to inform me if his business matters were all settled up in Salt Lake City I received no information of the accident untill of the Death which seems very strange from the

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 4 June 1895

President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Saturday and Sunday Jan 8 and 9 is our conference which wil be held at Iona. The brothren coming should leave Salt Lake Friday evening and some one will meet them at Idaho Falls Satur. morning Your Brother in the Gosp. T. E. Ricks


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Jun 4, 1895