Day in the Life

Jun 8, 1895

Journal Entry

June 08, 1895 ~ Saturday

8 I spent the day at home choreing & resting not well
The young Mens Conference Met in the Assembly Hall
speeches were made By J F Smith & other Brethren


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4031 mentions


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Letter from Edward Morris Whitesides, 8 June 1895
Layton, Utah, First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Salt Lake City, Dear Brothern: I am now prepared to say that I will be ready to start on my mission to California on the 20th of this month (June). If this date suits you please let me know at once also when I will be "set apart." I would rather not wait longer Yours faithfully E. M. Whitesides. Notified for June 20th
Letter from Hannah Sorensen, 8 June 1895
Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff. My dear Brother: Lately I had occation to be in company with President Joseph F. Smith, and he gave me hope, that it might be possible to have the brethren in the "First Presidency" meet with us in a meeting we expect to hold in the "Social Hall" next Thursday, at 3 o Kl. p.m. I have taught a little class here in the City, of Sisters, and our last day of the class, is next Thursday. President Smith advised me, to invite some of the leading brethren and Sisters to meet with us the last day of our class, in order that


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Jun 8, 1895