Day in the Life

Jun 10, 1895

Journal Entry

June 10, 1895 ~ Monday

10 I arose this Morning with a vertigo quite Dizzy
But went to the office And Received 10 Letters
^ A folded letter/box^ one from Owen to Emma & Blanch & one in Jerman
to George I was quite poorly throug the day


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1030 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
281 mentions


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Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Moses Thatcher, Seymour Bicknell Young, and John Jaques, 10 June 1895

Salt Lake City. . To Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren— Having considered the case of Jane Diamond and George Fraxer, of Richfield, appealed from Sevier Stake High Council, we would respectfully report that we conclude that the decision of the High Council was in accordance with the preponderance of the testi- mony taken and that the ends of justice ap- parently have been reached; also that the ques- tion involved being only of a few dollars, and twelve years having elapsed since the High Council decision was given, and the president of the Council having passed away and some of the members having been changed, it would be unprofitable to re-open the case. Therefore your committee unanimously recommend that the decision of the High Council be affirmed and enforced. F. D. Richards. Moses Thatcher Seymour B Young John Jaques

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 10 June 1895

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: Enclosed please find a letter from Prest. Geo. C. Naegle, which as you will see is the result of your request that I be allowed to make a European trip. I now await news from Prest. Lund which will decide my fat[e]: to be or not to be? to go or not to go? However there is but little doubt as to the answere I will get, as a wish from you will of course be granted. As soon as receiving this letter I replied that I would decline to go and leave Bro. Wilkins here alone as the work is too much for him to attend to. I added with a request that Bro. Edward R. Frei who is our President be allowed to shorten his trip or stay in Hannover where he now is and return to Berlin untill I get back. I think this can be arrainged if so it will please me very much. In writing to Prest. Naegle I told him that my duties here in the mission were of more importance to me thatn my personal pleasure and rather that to have the affairs of the mission neglected I would stay at my post. No doubt we will strain a point & get things in shape that I can leave them. This trip Pa is a chance of a life-time for me and although the money matter is the greatest draw-back, I hope all will be successfully

Letter from Peter K. Lemmon, 10 June 1895

Glenwood, Utah. . First Presidency of the Church. Dear brothern. In answer to the call to the Mex ico mission, I would say all that I have is on the alter and I am willing to be used any where the Lord sees best to use me. In regard to my circumstance, I am not so well blessed aswith wroldly goods as some others but $10 dollars would cover my indeptedness. Your brother, Peter K. Lemmon.

Letter from William Paxman, 10 June 1895

Nephi City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, and Councilors, Dear Brethren, My wife has been in quite poor health for some time, quite weak and debilated, having raised eleven children to man and womanhood, And I have contemplated to take her on a vissit to the north country, as far as Soda Springs, vissiting friends on the way, so as to give her a chang and rest, etc, to be gone about five or six weeks, If it meet with your approval, and sanction. This will be the first trip of this kind since we have been in Utah, now thirty four years. Whereever I spent Sundays, I would be pleased to meet with the Sunday Schools and the Saints in their meetings. Awaiting your answer, and trusting that this will find you in good

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

{shorthand} T $25 $25 $25 Aug Z C M I $56.25 131 25


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Jun 10, 1895