Day in the Life

Jun 11, 1895

Journal Entry

June 11, 1895 ~ Tuesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I went to the office And wrote a Letter to Owen
of 4 pages & one from his Mother I am in poor Health


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1030 mentions


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Letter from Heman Conoman Smith and Hyrum Orion Smith, 11 June 1895

Salt Lake City Utah County, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir You will please excuse the liberty we take in addressing you, as we are strangers to you personally, although your name has been familliar to us from child- hood. We are grandsons of Lyman Wight, whom you will remember as a fellow minister and friend of early days. Should it be agreeble to you, we would be pleased to call upon you, at such time and place as you may choose. We are here a representatives of the "Reorganization, but do not care to intrude our convictions upon you if not agreeable, hence it will be as you elect, whether the call, if granted, shall be simply a social visit, or whether as reprensentatives of this Great Dispensation we shall express and compare views. We await your reply. Respectfully Heman C. Smith Hyrum O Smith Please address us Box 1182 Salt Lake City

Letter from Charles F. Solomon, 11 June 1895

Salt Lake City, President W. Woodruff Dear Bro. Having been called to go on a mission to the Indian Teritory in Sept. next I hereby cheerfully respond to your honorable request and by the time appointed I shall be prepared to start on date named for my field of labor. I remain Yours in the Gospel of Peace Charles. F. Solomon. very good. J. F. S.

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Moses Thatcher, Seymour Bicknell Young, and John Jaques, 11 June 1895

S L City To Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren—In the case of Elizabeth Foxall Palmer and James Palmer, of Grantsville, on appeal from Tooele Stake High Council, we find it difficult to come to a satisfactory conclusion, unless we have an idea of the approximate amount of property which Brother Palmer has. We therefore respectfully suggest that you have President Hugh S. Gowans, of Tooele City, written to, asking him for a list of the property Brother Palmer holds, real and personal, so far as it can be ascertained with reasonable effort. We should also like to know the respective ages of Brother Palmer's children by his several wives, in order that we may be the better enabled to render a just judgment in the case. Respectfully your brethren in the Gospel, F. D. Richards. Moses Thatcher Seymour B Young John Jaques

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Moses Thatcher, Seymour Bicknell Young, and John Jaques, 11 June 1895

Salt Lake City, . To Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren—In the case of Hannah S. Olsen and Catharine Lewis, of Logan, on appeal from the Cache Stake High Council, we find that the evidence presented appears to us to justify the decision of the Council. Although Sister Olsen claimed that she was willing to give a mortgage on the property in question as soon as she received the abstract, yet she still refused, even when her own attorney advised her to give it. We therefore respectfully recommend that the decision of the High Council be affirmed. We notice in passing that in the hearing of this case only five members of the High Council proper were present, whereas the Book of Covenants states that seven should be present. But, as neither of the parties before the Council in this case took any exceptions or objected to these facts, our remarks in this connec- tion have a bearing more upon future cases. We remain Your brethren, &c. F. D. Richa[r]ds Moses Thatcher Seymour B Young John Jaques

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

to E $1 June 1 girl $2 (8) girl 3 7 carried to Page 59 502 18


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Jun 11, 1895