Day in the Life

Jun 26, 1895

Journal Entry

June 26, 1895 ~ Wednesday

26th I had a bad night; did not
sleep. we had traveled through
dust all day. We stopped a while
at Nampa. We agreed to take Steamer
at Vancouver for Alaska. Mr Millis
called upon us fourabout transportation to
Portland. It is quite hot to day, 70 deg.
altitude 300. Am much better today
being in a low altitude. We had a
great deal of dust today. We passed
large young fruit orchards and many
improvements. We crossed the Snake
and were in sight of the river
a good deal of the day. We traveled
in the evening for forty miles through


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Letter from Thomas Coffin, 26 June 1895

Downey Idaho Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro, Your letter of May 3rd has remained unanswered until now on account of my being absent from home. If I am considered worthy of such a calling, I will cheefully go and do the best I can although my Experience has been limited. Will Endeavor to be ready by the date you mention. Your Bro in the Gospel Mr Tom. Coffin West I cheerfully Endorse the above. Wm A Hyde Bishop.

Letter from Edwin Price, 26 May 1895

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother your Notifycation to me ^of my mission^ has been Received, and accepted. I have been in Pioche for some time, and was not home ^when^ the notice came. I will try and present myself at the apointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel. Edwin Price Joseph S. Morris Bp All right J. F. S.

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Robert Taylor Burton, Seymour Bicknell Young, and John Jaques, 26 June 1895

Salt Lake City, . To Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren—Your committee herewith return the documents in the case of Elizabeth Palmer and James Palmer, appealed from the High Council of Tooele Stake by James Palmer. It appears that Elizabeth Foxall became second wife of James Palmer 43 years ago, and has had eleven children by him, nine of them now living, the youngest 20 years old. Brother and Sister Palmer, not agreeing, have not lived together for about 15 years. His first wife is dead. He has a third wife, Mary Jane Ewer, with whom he lives, and who has had by him 13 children, 10 of them now living with him, the youngest about four years old. Elizabeth Palmer and children have not had support from Brother Palmer for 14 years. They used to live with him in Skull Valley, on a farm, which he sold several years ago for $9,000, part cash and part real estate, and she thinks he ought to give her and her children part of that means. The High Council approved the decision of the Bishop's Court of Grantsville Ward, to the effect that Brother James Palmer pay Elizabeth Foxall Palmer certain five acres of land and $1000 in cash, or $1500 in cash without the land, the land to be deeded to her by Nov. 1, 1894, and the cash to be paid to her by Sept. 1, 1894. After carefully considering the case as presented to us, we respectfully recommend

Letter from Oliver C. Hoskins, 26 June 1895

Portage, Box Elder Co., Utah, Pres. Willford Woodruff Dear Bro.: The enclosed circular, gives the Program, also the Railroad rates to Tacoma, Washington for all wishing to attend the Institute Respectfully Your Brother O. C. Hoskins


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Jun 26, 1895