Day in the Life

Jun 27, 1895

Journal Entry

June 27, 1895 ~ Thursday

27th We traveled along the bend of the
Columbia River, where numbers were
engaged in the salmon business, both
in catching and canning. We arrived
at Portland, and stopped at the Port-
land Hotel
, at $5.00 a day for our rooms.
All the company stopped at this hotel.
I wrote a pencil letter to Owen, and Ma
wrote too. We spent the night at Portland


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1030 mentions


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Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Robert Taylor Burton, Seymour Bicknell Young, and John Jaques, 27 June 1895
Salt Lake City, . To Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, & Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren—Your committe have considered the case of Alexander Black and W. Henry Hurst against James Lees, appealed from the High Council of Summit Stake. We find that Brothers Black and Hurst and Lees all had made some improvements on a piece of R. R. land, and Brothers Black and Hurst had used, cultivated, and claimed it for years and before it was in the market, but that Brother Lees eventually bought the land of the R. R. Com- pany and secured the title thereto. Brothers Black and Hurst, if they could not get any of the land, wished to be reimbursed for their claims, water right, and improvements, and various offers and attempts at adjustment were made, but without success. Finally Brother Lees required Brothers Black and Hurst to take away their moveable improvements (stables, corrals, &c.) within 20 days or forfeit them. The case was not tried by the Bishop's Court of Coalville East Ward, because one of the Bishop's Councillors was related to Brother Lees, and, to avoid prejudicing the case, it went to the High Council of the Stake, whose decision was adverse to Brother Lees, and a committee of three was appointed by the High
Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Robert Taylor Burton, Seymour Bicknell Young, and John Jaques, 27 June 1895
Salt Lake City, . To Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren—Your Committee have considered the case of James V. Williams and T. L. Quist, appealed from the High Council of Sevier Stake. This is a question, not of title to land, that not being in dispute, but of value for prior claims, water right, and improvements by Brother Quist, and in part conceded by Brother Williams, to and on a city lot in Monroe. The High Council approved the decision of the Bishop's Court of Monroe Ward; which was briefly that Brother Williams accept $50 from Brother Quist, and give him deed for the lot, or pay Brother Quist $125 within six months, and keep the lot, water-right, and improvements. This decision we consider equitable, and we therefore respectfully recommend its affirmation. Your brethren in the Gospel, F. D. Richards. R T Burton Seymour B Young John Jaques


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Jun 27, 1895