Day in the Life

Jun 28, 1895

Journal Entry

June 28, 1895 ~ Friday

28th All the company took cars, and rode
by the side of the river for many miles
We traveled all day through immense
timber lands. It was a strange sight
to come upon cities, towns and villages
in the midst of this great wilderness
of trees. We arrived at Tacoma about
5:30. Went to the Tacoma Hotel, all together
of course. We spent the night at this
hotel 140 miles.


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Letter from John Henry Sargent, 28 June 1895
Hoytsville President Willford Woodruff and council dear Bretheren, I was not at home when yours of June 15 came to hand which prevented a more early reply I am not fixed so that I as to be able to go on so short a notice as the 16th of July. I have but recently made a home stead entry upon some land and have not been able to get my family located upon it yet. I have no means and nothing that I could turn into money I am in debt some. my family is conprised of
Letter from William Orson Newbold, 28 June 1895
Taylorsville Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I write to ansure the request made of me a few days ago to fulfil a mission to the northen states on August 27 I an willing & will be ready if all is well Your Brother in the gospel Wm O Newbold Heber Bennion Bishop Changed to Gt. B. Desires to have his field changed to Gt Britain, has numerous friends in the Nottingham Confce.


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Jun 28, 1895