Day in the Life

Jul 3, 1895

Journal Entry

July 03, 1895 ~ Wednesday

3rd In my room reading and writing.
Wrote letter to Asahel. Rode out in a
hack one and a half hours, paid
$2.50, but did not get the worth of my


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions

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Letter from Wallace Claudius Castleton, 3 July 1895
Wilford Woodruff, Prest. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Dear Brother: Your letter of June 25th [18]95, calling me as a missionary to Australasia, was received in due time, and in reply, will say that I accept the same, with pleasure, and will be ready to leave at the appoin- ted time. Your brother in the Gospel. Wallace C. Castleton. I recommend Elder Wallace C Castleton as worthy in every sense to fill the above mentioned mission and feel assured he will do so with honor to himself and credit to the cause he will represent M. S. Woolley Bishop 21 Ward
Letter from William Wallace McDonald, 3 July 1895
Holliday, P. O., Salt Lake Co. Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother; Your letter of the 27 to hand, notifing me of my name being selected as a Missionary to Australasia with your and the local athorities approval and blessing. I expect to be ready to leave Salt Lake on the time mentioned so as to sail from Vancouver Aug 13th 1895 Your Brother in the Gospel William W McDonald D. B. Brinton BP
Letter from John T. Prows, 3 July 1895
Mr Wilford Woodruf: Dear Brother— Circomstances is such with me at present. I desire to ask you as A Father, A fiew questions, if they are proper and in place. dear Bro pleas answer them By return mail, as I am in A Ponder, and also in A hurry, to know what is the best for me to do under my circomestan ces, and do not wish to do rong. two years and A half ago I counceled with my famely what would be the best for us to do, and we all thought it best for me to take the second part of my famely and go into Old Mexico, and start


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Jul 3, 1895