Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1895

Journal Entry

July 06, 1895 ~ Saturday

6th Spent the day in my room. We
have been here a week waiting for
the Steamer, and we will have to
wait nearly a week longer. We are
paying $4.00 a day each for room and

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Letter from George Arthur Parkinson, 6 July 1895

Beaver Presidend Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro, I received a notice from you dated July 3rd to go on a mission to the Southern States and feels honored to be thought worthy of being called, but my circumstances will not permit me to go at so early a date as August 24th. If you could give me until April to prepare by getting some means a head I think I could be ready by then, and have enough money to pay my expences and keep my family until I return. If that will do to go then please answer and let me know if my proposition is accepted. I remain your Brother in the gospel Geo. Parknison

Letter from Henry Gysbert Gelderblom, 6 July 1895

Ogden . Presdt. W Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother! I feel it my duty to adress you these few lines, as it appears, there is something in the way, which prevents me, from enjoying the preveleges, and blessings of the Gospel; and I am at a loss to learn what it is. My reason for the above is as follows. Abouth a year ago the seventies quorum of which I am a member was called to furnish four missionaires for different contries including the Netherlands. The presidenci of my quorum consulted with me and accepted me and forwarded my name to Salt Lake as being fully competent as a missionaire for the Nether lands and as in goed standing in my quorum. I belive bishop Stratford of whose ward I am a member, and alsoo the presidt of the stake bro L. W. Shurtliff endorsed my name. All of the four names forwar- ded to Salt Lake as missionaires at that time have been accepted and are now on missions except mine; and I have wonderd ever since what could be the cause of my rejection. Dear brother as far as I am aware of my former mission has been approved of the Lord and blessed with fruits upon myn labors. Ever since I have y[i]elded obedience to the principels of the gospel and made covenants with my Heavenly Father. I have tried to do myn duties in the church laboring in every capacity

Letter from Niels C. Sorensen, 6 July 1895

Inverury, Pres. Wilford Woodruf, I am in receipt of a letter from you regarding a mission. I have considered it well and have come to the conclusion of what I can do. If it meets your favor. I am willing to go and fill a mission and do the best that I can, but would prefer to go to Denmark than Australasia, for the following reasons. I can neither read nor write the English language I have only been in thsis Country 11 years and I feel

Letter from Walter S. Tolton, 6 July 1895

Beaver City, Utah Pres Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: In reply to yours of the 3rd inst. can say I was very much surprised, as well as honored, as I had not been consulted in the matter, was not aware my name had been presented as a missionary; until I received my appaintment. Can say I will gladly go and fulfill a mission to the best of my ability, but considering my circumstances, financially, and there being so short a time to prepare myself, think it would be im- possible for me to go that soon, having no ready means, whatever, and beinghaving been out of employment, pretty much, for the last 18 months, will therefore be under the necessity of disposing of part of my land, and some other property I have on hand, to procure the necessary means to take me to my field of labor, and for ^the support of^ my family while I am away, money being so scarce will take some little time to dispose of my property. and again I have just been offered a position

Letter from Mary Ella Hickman Kohlhepp, 6 July 1895

Dear Bro Woodruph: As time is precious and money scarce I will try to express by pen what I would otherwise like to express verbaly to you. I was ten years ago offered a large sum to travil and lecture on the Light and Darkness of Utah at that time I refused for reasons stated. Six years ago I thought some of getting up a lecture and wrote down a few items apostle Richards thought them not aproproiate so I gave it up for that time, but I have always felt I had a duty to preform in trying to help clear away the shadow my father Wm Hickman helped to cast upon our people—for east west

Letter from Lewis Swensen, 6 July 1895

Moroni . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother; I recieved a letter from you dated Mar. 15, 1895. stating that my name had been sugges- ted and excepted as a missionary to the Southern States and if no reasonable obstacles were in the way I was to make arrangements to leave Salt Lake City on the 27 of July 1895. Since I recieved the letter I have been trying to arrange


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Jul 6, 1895