Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1895

Journal Entry

July 13, 1895 ~ Saturday

13th We reached some islands where
some seals have recently been seen
on the islands here. It was cloudy
and cool. A wild scene. A man pointed
out on the map a place where some
thirteen men had caught 70,000 pounds

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Letter from James Moore Cook, 13 July 1895
Prest. Woodruff Dear Bro, Yours of June 25 received If it is desired that I go to the Northern states I shall be on hand at the time appointed My feelings are that it would be better for me to go to England, I have relatives & friends who would be disappointed and surprised if I am sent else where You can reffer to W. Langton Eq. Co Op or N. Y. Schofield, Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake city or any who have been to England from here (Rexburg) Your Bro in the Gospel James M Cook. Timothy J Winter Bishop


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Jul 13, 1895