Day in the Life

Jul 14, 1895

Journal Entry

July 14, 1895 ~ Sunday

14th A cloudy morning. Passed between
high mountains. It being Sunday,
a Presbyterian sermon was preached
on board. It rained all day. I visited
Captain Roberts in the pilot house.
I had a bad fall.


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Letter from David Anthony Nelson, 14 July 1895

Bloomington July 14 14895 President Woodrufe Salt Lake City Dear Brother I think that i can get prep^ar^ed to leave for my mission to australasia same [some] time in October if all goes well and if you want me then please let me know at your earliest convenience Your Brother in the gospel David A Nelson

Letter from Henry Smedley, 14 July 1895

Paris Idaho President Woodruff Dear President About a month ago I received a call to go to the southern States on a mission. I answered the letter shortly after but as yet have received no reply I ^am^ very anxious to know what I am to do under the sircumstances which I explained in my former letter Please answer and Oblige Your Brother in the Gospel H. C. Smedley

Letter from Matthew Speirs, 14 July 1895

Tooele, . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother; The call made on me to take a mission to the Southern States is accepted; and although I feel incompitent to perform the labor required of me, I am willing to put my trust in the Lord and do what I can in my weak way to help the cause of truth. At present I see no obstacle to hinder me from starting on the 12th of October, the date mentioned for my departure in the call. Your Brother in the Gospel Matthew Speirs

Letter from Edward William Robinson, 14 July 1895

Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear President Woodruff: The financial condition of the Turkish mission is such that I have for a long time felt justified in laying the matter before you, but realizing the condition the recent financial depression must nec- essarily have thrown the Church into, I have thought it our duty to manage just as economically as possibly could be done. And even yet I fear that it is at the expense of decorum to add another to the numerous avenues through which the finances of our Church flow. This is said to be a cheap mission, but the fact that it is so far from home, and that the few Saints are unable to aid the Elders, renders it rather expensive. The Elders here have rep- resented that they are without money or means of obtaining it from home. The Saints rather look to the Elders for help than otherwise, and while the latter are studying the language they are not prepared to work their way among


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Jul 14, 1895