Day in the Life

Jan 7, 1896

Journal Entry

January 07, 1896 ~ Tuesday

Jan 7, 1897 [1896]

I went to the office in the morning I met many callers all
rejoicing in having a State Government

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters one to Asahel one to Owen giving both
an Accout of yesterday celebration


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions


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Letter from Thomas E. Williams, 7 January 1896

Thatcher, Ariz., [1896] Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Elder George R. Shirts of our 89th quorum of Seventies who has been called to take a mission to the Southern States, wished me to write you for infor- mation about his train fair. Can he travil at a reduced rate as a minister? If so, how, and what will he need. He has his lisence as a Seventy but we thought he would need some permit or recom- mendation from [form]. Please write and inform him of what he must do. He is to be in Salt Lake City on February 15, 1895. His address is Central, Graham Co. Arizona. Respctfully Your Brother in the Gospel Thos. E. Williams Arranged for half fare Deming to Salt Lake W. C. S.

Letter from William Corcoran, 7 January 1896

Tuesday Dear Mr President Woodruff Your letter received yesterday Monday also History of the Mormons, and Voice of Warning I received the last book on a former date so I have handed it over to another person whenever it lies in your power send me more. I am sorry times are so bad at present but I earnestly hope they will rise again. Yours truly W. H. Corcoran President Woodruff Salt Lake City

Letter from William Crane, 7 January 1896

Salt Lake City ^Draper^, Utah, Presedent Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Answering your letter of Dec 5th [18]95 stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Great Britian. Will say that while I feel my weekness and inability to Preach the Gospel at the same time I feel honored that the Bretheren in the Priesthood should consider me worthy to fill this Possition and am willing with the Lords help to go and try to do the Best I can, I will be ready to go with the company that leave Salt Lake the 18th of this month. Please let me know buy return mail if right about the date what Road we go over if there is many going or eny other Particulars that would be for my Benifit for witch find Envelope inclosed your Brother in the Gospel Wm Crane Wm. C. Allen, B.P. Very good. please send him the information needed. J. F. S.

Letter from Edwin Dilworth Woolley Jr. and Thomas Chamberlain, 7 January 1896

Kanab, Kane Co., Utah, First Presidency Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethren Your letter of December 31st 1896, relating to allowances to Church Officers for Servises, we received yesterday. We approve of your suggestion therein contained. Our circumstances are, and our labors have been such that we feel that for the past year we should have the same amounts that we have formerly had. Hoping this will be satesfactory, we remain your brethren in the Gospel E. D Woolley Thos. Chamberlain Presidency Kanab Stake P.S. Bro Seegmiller the other counselor is not with us at present but we have talked this matter over together, and we are agreed we were on the eve of writing to you on the subject. E. D. W.


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Jan 7, 1896