Day in the Life

Jan 6, 1896

Journal Entry

January 06, 1896 ~ Monday

Jan 6, 1896 Celebration of the Ad[m]ission of
Utah into the family of States

This was a great Day in Utah it was The C elebration of
the Admission of Utah into the Union Equil to any state
in the Union. This day was celebrated as No other Day in Utah
Presidents Woodruff Cannon & Smith occupied a place in
front of the procession we went through the public Thoroughfares
and got seated in the Tabernacle at Noon which Tabernacle was
crouded to its fullest capacity. The Tabernacle was decorated laveslly [lavishly]
The American flag spread overhead was 150 feet By 75
Acting Govornor Richards called the vast Assembly to order
The opening Prayer Presented By President Woodruff
in writing was Read By President Cannon singing By
1000 voices Star Spangled Banner. The Proclamation of
President Cleveland Admiting Utah into the Union
was then read Acting Govornor Richard then surrendered
up the Territorial Government into the Hands of the Govornor
of the State Heber M. Wells. Govornor Wells & the other officers
took the Oath of office under the Administration of Judge Zane
Gov Wells then gave his inaqural [inaugural] Address refered to the
work of the Pioneers then refered to the Great Labor we
had in Getting a State Governmet And it had now been
accomplished after many years of Hard Labor And
we felt to acknowledge the Hand of God in its ackowledgement
and this was somthing that our Enemies had said
we Never should accomplish. But Praise be to the Lord
it is accomplished. Neither the Devil Nor wicked Men
has had power to stop it I am thankful that I have lived
to Behold Utah a State Government


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2294 mentions
Wells, Heber Manning
11 Aug 1859 - 12 Mar 1938
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4149 mentions


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Gov Wells then gave his inaqural Address refered to the work of the Pioneers then refered to the Great Labor we had in Getting a State Governmet And it had now been accomplished after many years of Hard Labor And we felt to acknowledge the Hand of God in its ackowledgement and this was somthing that our Enemies had said we Never should accomplish. But Praise be to the Lord it is accomplished. Neither the Devil Nor wicked Men has had power to stop it I am thankful that I have lived to Behold Utah a State Government
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Christopher Wilcock, 6 January 1896

Huntington, Emery Co., Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I write to inform you that I expect to be on hand at the appointed time Feb 15 to meet the call made of me to go to Great Britian Your Bro in the Gospel of Christ Christopher Wilcock All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Don Byron Colton, 6 January 1896

Vernal, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, S. L. City, Dear Bro., You, perhaps, are aware that I was called to take a mission to the Southern States last September, but owing to the fact that I had contracted to teach school until spring it was post- poned until then. My school will be out so that I can start any time after the 1st of May I have always had a desire to go to Europe and have thought if it would make no difference I would

Letter from John Brook Hirst, 6 January 1896

Pleasant Green Ward Riter, P. O. Salt Lake Co Pres[ident] Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a notice to fill a Mission to Great Britain to leave Salt Lake City April 18th next. I feel a very weak Instriment to fill so great a call. Yet by the help of God, and by the acistance of his holy Spirit I cheerfully respond. And will endeviour to fill the call to the best of my ability. Looking upon It as I do, as being an honor conferred upon the Elders to go abroad. In the cause of truth, and help gather Isriel In these latter day's. If all is well with

Letter from John Thomas Jacobs, 6 January 1896

Pleasant Green President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother My feelings are to except the call and will make arrangements to start at the date spescified March 21 your Brother in the Gospel John Jacobs H. T. Spencer Bishop All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Le Roie Clarence Snow, 6 January 1896

Salt Lake City, . PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF, Presidents' Office, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, In reply to your Notice of the 4th. inst., I will say I am pleased to hear that I have been thought worthy of being numbered among the Missionaries to go forth to promulgate the principles of the Gospel as revealed to our Latter-day Prophet, Joseph Smith. If God continues to bless me and makes it possible, I will be prepared to leave on the date named, March 21st., [18]96. Your sincere Brother in the Everlasting Gospel, Le Roie C. Snow. #37 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Milton H. Welling, 6 January 1896

Farmington, Jan. 6th 1896. Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. A call from your office reached me last April notifying me to prepare for a mission to the Southern States. I was to start on the 27th of July. ^last^ After asking your advice by letter and recieeiving the instructions and council of local church a^u^thorities it was decided that I should have a year or eighteen months in which to prepare for this mission- ary work. I am at present teaching school which will continue, I think, until the last of April. After the first of the following May, I hope, by the help of God, to

Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 6 January 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah. A H Woodruff My Dear Son Thank God Utah is a State after 50 years struggle We have conquered, of course you know all about the proclamation of the president signing the Document for the Admision of Utah in to the family of States Although we have seen some interesting days in Utah We have Never seen such a Day as this. On Saturday Morning Brother G Q Cannon & Wilcken called upon me & when they Left We had no sign that the president had signed the Document to give us a State Government but they had not Reached half way to the City, before the whole City belched forth the strangest & Loudest Noises Mortel Men Ever heard. every bell was ring, Evry toot horn blown Evry steam whistle let Loose Evry gun fired, Evry Man yelled it would have assured you to have Listened to that combined Bedlam for 2 Hourse of course we knew what was up but soon Gov Wells with & H J Grant called upon me & congratulated me upon the Admission of Utah into State Hood. Well all the city, Houses, stores Temples &c was Draped with flags & bunting you will see the whole program of the day in the papers I will send you some This morning I dressed for the occasion went to the office & at 10:30 with G Q C J F S & the 12 was at the Templeton and Placed in carriages for the parade and such a parade and procession I Never saw. We paraded all the ^several of main^ streets in 2 lines of carriages the 2 governers Richards & Wells Led I followed with Brother ^Dr^ I liff & Secretary of State on my left was the Judges. G Q C was in the carriage next to me I dont know the Length of our procession

Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 6 January 1896

Ashael H. Woodruff,

Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 6 January 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah A H Woodruff My Dear Son Thank God Utah is a State after 50 years struggle We have conquered, of course you know all about the proclamation of the president signing the Document for the Admision of Utah in to the family of States Although we have seen some interesting days in Utah We have Never seen such a Day as this. On Saturday Morning Brother G Q Cannon & Wilcken called upon me & when they Left We had no sign that the president had signed the Document to give us a State Government but they had not Reached half way to the City, before the whole City belched forth the strangest & Loudest Noises Marted Men Ever heard. Every bell was ring, Evry toot horn blown Evry steam whistle let Loose Evry gun fired, Evry Man yelled it would have assured you to have Listened to that combined Bedlam for 2 Hourse [hours] of course we knew what was up but soon Gov Wells & H J Grant called upon me & congratulated me upon the Admission of Utah into State Hood. Well all the city, Houses, stores Temples &c was Draped with flags & bunting you will see the whole program of the day in the papers I will send you some This morning I dressed for the occasion went to the office & at 10:30 with G Q C J F S & the 12 was at the Templeton and Placed in carriages for the parade and such a parade and procession I Never saw. We paraded all the ^several of main^ streets in 2 lines of carriages the 2 governers Richards & Wells Led I followed with Brother ^Dr^ Iliff & Secretary of State on my left was the Judges. G Q C was in the carriage next to me I dont know the Length of our procession


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Jan 6, 1896