Day in the Life

Jan 8, 1896

Journal Entry

January 08, 1896 ~ Wednesday

8. I met many at the office this morning including Brother
F. J. Cannon, G Teasdale, Bannester Cluff & many others
I had a Letter from Col Trombow upon the senatorship
we held a Meeting with the board of Zions Savings Bank
and had a Report from Frank J Cannon. I received
a Letter from Col Trumbo He wanted to be Elected senator


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Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
727 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Letter from John Christian Larsen Jr., 8 January 1896
Coveville, . President Willford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Your favor of the 5th has been received, and in asmuch as I have been called to go to the Suthern States. I feel it a pleasure to respond, and with the help of the Lord I will be ready to start on the apointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel. J. C. Larsen Jr. J. C. Larsen Bp
Letter from Andrew Thomson Jr., 8 January 1896
Ephraim Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Yours of the 26 ult. was duly received & noted. In answer will say I am willing to try to respond to your call to go on a mission to Switzerland & Germany. Although I feel my self a very weak instrument to fulfill so great a call. I will throught the blessing of the Lord, willbe beat your office, at the appointed time, namely the 201th of March 1896. I would be pleased to learn of who else of the brethren isare appointed to the same mission. an early answer
Letter from James Morn Hoggan, 8 January 1896
Salt Lake City to the first presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints in answer to your letter of Dec 14th i will say that i am willing to do what i can my means is small but i feal like puting my self in your hands from your brother in the gosple James M. Hoggan all right. J. F. S.


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Jan 8, 1896