Day in the Life

Apr 26, 1896

Journal Entry

April 26, 1896 ~ Sunday

26. Sunday I spent this day at Home reading & Resting

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Letter from Christian Nielsen, 26 April 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. Your letter of Dec 12 1895, desiring to know what my feelings are in regard to a call as a Missionary to Scandinavia, will say, that I am very anxious to fill the Mission, and hoping that by this time I should have been able to give a favorable reply, with the assurance that I could go, is my only reason for not answering sooner; but if I am sufficiently prospered as to Enable me to gather means to pay my way to the Field of labour assigned me, I will assuredly go, and will advise you thereof in due time; my Family will be able to take care of themselves during my absence all right, but at present the prospect is not bright to obtain the means. Your Brother in the Gospel, Christian Nielsen I fully endorse the above. J. S. Jensen Bp. Salina

Letter from William Edward Robinson, 26 April 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your call for me to take a mission to the Southern States has been gladly accepted. I have made endeavors to dispose of some property that I might be prepared to leave by May 16th, but have met with failure. It would be an injury to my school for me to leave so near its closing which ^will^ be the last of mMay or the middle of June. As I am in much

Letter from G. A. Christensen and J. C. Breinholt, 26 April 1896

Redmond, Wilford Woodruff, Dear Pres. We your brethren and co- laborers in the cause of Truth having recd. a call to fill a mission to Scandinavia report ourselves as being ready and willing to go leave S. L. City at the appointed day be- ing Aug 1st. We are neither of us very well versed in the Danish language but we are young, strong, and portly and by the blessings of God we hope to do honor to the cause we represent. Wishing the missionary work a success we remain your Bros. (over)

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 26 April 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah. To the First Presidency City, Dear Brethren: Elder Albert J. Brown is conditionally released on account of illness, should he not recover soon, he will be released to come home. Should his Father Bro. Samuel Brown ask for the necessary funds to procure his transportation, I would ask as a favor that you furnish it, according to the rule for returning Elders. Very Respctfully Your brother Andrew Kimball.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Apr 26, 1896