Day in the Life

Apr 27, 1896

Journal Entry

April 27, 1896 ~ Monday

27. ^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Owing & Ovando Beebe
received one also He has Got his release & is coming
home about the Last of May we had an interview with
Henry P. Richard ^&^ Harvy H. Cluff concerning several
Persons with the Haywayan Leprosy we advised
them to Build a place with Lumber for them away
from all other persons


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Cluff, Harvey Harris, b. 1836
9 Jan 1836 - 19 Apr 1916
Richards, Henry Phinehas
30 Nov 1831 - 29 Oct 1912
Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions

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Letter from Christian L. C. Morck, 27 April 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, In reply to your favor of Apr 21 [18]96 asking me, as to my feelings in regard to a call to me to go to Chicago as a mission- ary and to be prepared to leave for that place on May 21st this year, I take pleasure in stating that I will be ready on that date. Trusting in the Lord that he will give me strength to fulfill that mission. I am very repectfully, Chr. L C. Morck. This testifies that Elder Chr. L C. Morck is a Member of the Eighteenth ward in full fellowship and as such I Recommend him as worthy to be called on a Mission Robert Patrick Bishops Counselor

Letter from John Henry Sargent, 27 April 1896

Hoytsville April 27, [18]696 President Woodruff Dear Brother the authorities of the ward thought I had better write and find when I would be expetcted to start on my proposed mission to the australias mission so that they woulld have time to do some thng for my benifit and that I could arange my afa^i^rs acordingly as I have some little buissnes to do. how much will the traveling expences be? and send such informa do not think that I am in a hurry.

Letter from Joseph S. Parkinson, 27 April 1896

Logan City, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: I received word from you Dec. 29th. tell- ing me to be ready to leave Salt Lake City as early as Sept 12, 1896 for a mission to the Southern States. If it meets your ap- proval, my circumstances are such that I would rather leave as soon as

Letter from John Dick Frame, 27 April 1896

Dear Bro. and President W. Woodruff, I have thought some time of writing to you concern- ing what I consider an important subject, though it may not seem of so much importance to you. There seems to be of late a great many of the male portion of the infants that are born into the world that need attention by way of circumsition as they are built so close as some of them at least are un able to pass their water. Of course they are not all like this that need attention, but quite a number of them. While others are so close that it gives them a great deal of trouble and often pain. I said built so

Telegram from William Paxman, 27 April 1896

Dated, Nephi Ut To President W. Woodruff. Bishop Elmer Taylor of Juab died yesterday morning funeral at Levan Tuesday at 1 P.M. William Paxman. BE SURE TO ANSWER BY THIS LINE. [sideways text] QUICK SERVICE. SEE OFFICE ADDRESS ON THIS MESSAGE. [end of sideways text]


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Apr 27, 1896